View Full Version : Job interview - help needed!

15-10-08, 13:53
Hope I'm posting this in the correct place!
Just found out I have an interview, for a job I really want, next Tuesday. However, I have fairly bad jelly legs at the moment (due to GAD) and would just like advice on how I could explain my symptom if asked about it and how I can cope with it in the interview. I'm concerned that the symptom will disadvantage me. Does anyone have any experience of this situation?


15-10-08, 15:32
Hi Janey, I recently went back to work after two yrs at home with my baby. Back in March i suffered really bad anxiety, this went on til August. I was soooo bad. My nan had died and i was looking for a job as we needed the money. I saw this job advert in my local rag. It was part time and the hours suited me to the ground (fitted in round my partnets). I applied and was going to keep my anxiety a secret but then just before i arrived for my interview i thought 'oh naff to this, i'm gunna be honest and see what happens'. I told them all about my anxiety and that i had recently started on prozac, how i felt my life was spiralling out of control and that i hoped as job would give me some life back (i must have thought i was in a therapy session or something LOL). She told me 168 had applied and that there were only six vanancies. I couldnt believe it when she phoned me up the next day and said 'I loved our chat, i want you on board'. I nearly dropped through the floor. It was tricky going back out to work, i suffered terrible 'jelly legs' and nausea. I managed to hold back on the panic attacks though, thank god! It's now almost three months down the line and i am loving it, loving it, loving it!
I am so glad that i decided to tell the truth, i was open and honest and it paid off. I hope that this can work for you too. It is not easy going back to work with anxiety in your lunch box but i wish you all the very best xx:yesyes: