View Full Version : This has freaked me

15-10-08, 14:21
I had another really anxious night woke at 1am with my mind racing at 100mph with the strangest weirdest thoughts dreams and songs i couldn't get rid of, i've been having lots of scarey thoughts but whats freaked me out is immediately i woke for some reason i had this phrase 39 steps keep coming in my head and its not a what if or an i am thought just a phrase and its been coming and going still has anyone else ever experienced anything like this i'm so scared love Carol x

15-10-08, 15:11
Mmmmmmmm? yeah! it's not a regular thing with me but back in May when my anxiety was off the scale i kept experiencing episodes like this. I'd get a phrase in my head and i'd keep going over and over it in my mind, i'd even say it out loud over and over again. Or i'd just think of someone, a random person and would not be able to get them out of my mind (not in that way!). This could go on all day. It was as if my unsettled mind would obsess about things. Maybe it is our minds way of 'switching off' and trying to find another focus. How would you rate your anxiety at the moment? at the time of me having these 'blips' i would say my anx was 9 on a scale of one to ten.
Try not to worry, you are not going mad (i thought i was at the time). Anxiety is a little buggar isnt it?

15-10-08, 15:19
My anxiety at moment is 10 out of 10 and the irrational thoughts seems so real too, awful xx

milly jones
15-10-08, 15:27
yes hun this happens to me if im stressed

fortunately my meds control it most of the time

i would wake in a bliond panic because id forgotten the name of someone, really daft stuff

the hospital say that its anx, cos ur relaxed, ur brain has time to rewind and rethink stuff, whereas in the day u shut out so much and try to carry on

slow down and try to relax in the day, and have a calm routine for bedtime

sorry, i know its not much help hunny

milly xxxxx

15-10-08, 15:58
Oh Carol,

I could have written this myself I have been having a terrible time in the middle of the night with more or less word for word you describe, I have googled this (what am I like I cannot believe I have done this I am usually telling people off on here for doing that!) I have come up with all sorts of weird and wonderful things (again cannot believe I have done this, scared myself ++++++++++) I mentioned it to my sister whom suffered from terrible anxiety a couple of years ago, she said she had something similar when her anxiety was off the scale and she was terrified to tell me because I work in mental health and would get her sectioned or something. Her anxiety is better now and she said that it sort of faded away when she was prescribed medication (which she has come off now)

My anxiety is off the scale at the moment as my mum has been in hospital for an operation which we didn't expect and she got rushed in at the weekend for an infection. I don't want to go into detail as I know a lot of people on hear have health anx and I don't want to frighten anyone.

I think it is probably a manifestation of severe anxiety

Thanks for being brave and posting this one hun, I have been terrified by this and haven't slept properly for ages.


15-10-08, 22:29
i assume you know the 39 steps is a famous alfred hitchcock thriller?it was made in the 30's and the phrase will be easily recognised by older forum members.has it stuck in your memory from seeing this film sometime?

17-10-08, 22:39
Hi Carol :D:hugs:

You have had some great replies, as always :yesyes:

The hardest thing to know and understand is, just what anxiety can do and have us thinking.

The mind IS a powerfull thing, over time it collects soooooo many different thoughts and images, its like a computer and stores it, everything we listen to everything we see everything we read are minds store it.

When we are acute we get soooo confusted, are reasuring coping skill are not there, we question everythought that comes into our heads, when we can't find the reason for the thought being there, we get scared, we feed the anxiety with fear and the anxiety gets highter.

Befor you suffered panic, anxiety, you may have hummed a tune, any tune or had a thought, even then you may have questioned this tune or thought, BUT, if you could not, at the time, find the answers to why you hummed the tune or had a thought, you would have just pushed it to one side and said "ohh something I must have heard somewhere or read", then, the tune the thought was GONE.

Ohhh doginthefog, is sooo right, its a famous alfred hitchcock thriller. When I was pming you I new I had heard of this but my mind is not working :doh: this is just a memorie hun, Mrs anxiety is playing with you. I know you finding it DAME hard right now, but please hun, see this for what it is, a memorie of a film. Remember Carol, thoughts are an anxiety symptom, you are not alone with this hun :hugs:

YOU WILL get back to the way you used to be, pushing thoughts to one side and NOT giving them another thought, so to speak. Its going to take time though Carol, you have to try DAME hard to work on those thoughts. Try DAME hard to see them for what they are, AN ANXIETY symptom.




You can conquor almost any fear
if you will only make up you mind to do so
Remember, fear does'nt exist anywhere eccept in your mind....