View Full Version : Advice needed, feel unhappy....

15-10-08, 16:09
I must be honest about everything and thoroughly explain my condition first. I am currently living in pakistan. My entire life was spent in NY, USA. I came here in August 2007. I'll leave in December and go to college in Rome, Italy.

My health anxiety began in June and progressed pretty quickly. I googled, googled, googled and I was miserable and unhappy. Eventually, I found a way to control my health anxiety and it's really so much less now. Since the anxiety has lessened I have begun to feel unhappy...as if something is not right. I feel depressed somehow...is this the aftermath to having anxiety? If so, how and when will it go away, and what can I do to make it go away?

I wanted to get rid of HA because I'll go to college soon and I didn't want it to get in the way of my future. But now this odd depressed feeling...idk if it's the result of moving here, leaving my friends and that life, living here for over a year, and now having to face again. I'm able to get out of bed, eat, do chores still and occasionally still laugh...but I'm just ot as happy and motivated as before and my biggest fear is that I'll go into fulll BLOWN depression and need medication which will take a while to work and cause me to be out of it in college. Im afraid Im gonna feel this way in college and my heart won't be in it.

I was always a great student. I know I'm slightly on the depressed side but what is making it worst is perhaps the HA kicking in and making me think I have depression??? Also I googled depression yesterday and it said that it could have causes such as an underlying cardiovascular problem and that did not help my HA and scared the heck out of me.

Is this just post- anxiety lowness/slight depression or am I gonna go into full blown depression and need medicines!?!?!?! Im only 19! I was always a fairly positive person and a good student and friend and obedient child. My parents are making my dream of going to a great college come true but now I have these fears that what if I have depression and fail??? What can I do to help myself!!

Please help me.:shrug:

15-10-08, 20:23
hiya hun, i think u are overthinking everything, u r excited about going but nervous at the same time, going to a new place etc leaving family and friends.

try and not google anymore cos its not helping u at all and just focus on the positive stuff, you will meet loads of new friends at college and probably have a really great time and learn loads and your anxiety will disapear.

the more you think about it the more symtoms u think u have and the more you panic, i had bad depression 7 yrs ago and over come it by being strong, exercising, keeping busy and starting to think positve.

i dont think u are depressed hun, just anxious which is understandable but go for it, you are young and this is your dream, live your dreams and never look back, be strong and leave anything negative aside. hugs xxxx

15-10-08, 20:57
Donna, thank you so muchhh. It means a lot. :::HUGS::::

I agree..I'm anxious. I'll be ok.

You are right that the more I think about it, the more symptoms I will have...the past 3 days I have been waking up very often during the night and they say thats a symptoms of depression so I was becoming miserable thinking of it.