View Full Version : Do you believe.....

15-10-08, 17:41
that the line running down you left palm is your life line.I am obsessed with it as mine only goes so far down then it branches.I am convinced that is when i'll have my stroke/heart attack and its getting closer.
People laugh at me when i try to explain and i have yet to find anyone with a life line like mine.Am i mad?????:weep: :weep: :weep: :weep: :lac: :lac: :lac:

15-10-08, 17:46
hi hun, i do not believe in any of that nonsense to be honest, please do not worry about that. hugs xxx

15-10-08, 17:51
no I don't.

15-10-08, 18:07
that the line running down you left palm is your life line.I am obsessed with it as mine only goes so far down then it branches.I am convinced that is when i'll have my stroke/heart attack and its getting closer.
People laugh at me when i try to explain and i have yet to find anyone with a life line like mine.Am i mad?????:weep: :weep: :weep: :weep: :lac: :lac: :lac:

You are not mad, you have just found something to focus your anxiety on. We all do this in certain ways. Have you ruled out OCD with your Dr? I would tell your Dr about this and see what they say. There are treatments for OCD if this is what it is. It does sounds to me like anxiety but I would check anyway just to be sure.

For what it's worth, my life line branches off and I don't plan on dying anytime soon ;)

15-10-08, 19:00
Dear Don

I am not laughing at you because this fear you have is real in your mind. I have a short life line on left palm like you, but it's all a load of hogwash, just like fortune telling, physichs (sp) etc, well that's my opinion anyway.

Please try not to worry (although I know that's easier said than done).


18-10-08, 00:00
Hi hun, :D:hugs:

The hardest thing for you to know right now is, the mind IS a powerfull thing, there are many, many people out there who know its power and these people are those who invented reading of palms, hunny, its all made up, FOR MONEY. THATS IT, there is NOOOOO FACT in it AT ALL.

My heart goes out to you right now because for YOU right now, this fear is real, BUT hunny, Mrs anxiety is playing with you, please don't let her do this to you, she needs your fears to survive, without this fear she would be gone.

I get sooo made at the world at time's, people playing on other people thoughts and emotions. Thats what palmest do ohhh and other people too blimey, the only gift they have is, THE GIFT OF THE GAB, meaning, they know how to talk to people, say the riight things, say the things they want to hear and sometimes put fear into people. :mad:

My nan had a short life line, she lived to a ripe old age :yesyes: