View Full Version : fear of relaxing

sepo azul
04-06-05, 14:58
I have always found that panic attacks are most likely to come when I am quite relaxed - laying in the sun or listening to gentle music... therefore I keep my mind busy (with worries, likely as not!) and have pretty much lost the art of relaxation... can anyone relate?
Since I have learned that these are panic attacks and not seizures it has helped me tremendously to keep from having them. Thanks so much for this Site.

04-06-05, 15:02
Try learning active relaxation like Yoga, TaiChi, relaxation CD's with mind and muscle relaxation exercises on it or meditation.

Teaches you to really relax but in a guided way not an aimless way where your thoughts can flow unabaited.

Glad you've improved..


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

04-06-05, 16:23
hi Sepo,

I'm the same. My attacks always happen when I'm relaxed. I'm scared to relax because it means letting my guard done. Doing relaxation does help though..

Sarah :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

05-06-05, 00:36

I can relate to that too.

The more you try to relax, the worse you feel.
It is as if your body knows what you are trying to do and rebels against it.

It's true that you lose the art of relaxation. Sometimes getting back to basics, learning to breathe slowly and stay calm can help us a great deal.

Love, light and Best wishes
Liz xxx
With hard work and determination and all the things you know.
The world is there for you to take. There's nowhere you can't go.

[:p]Scatty Eccentric & 'Poet Laureate to panic and anxiety'

05-06-05, 02:40
I can relate to that too ... when i try to relax, ie hypnosis...I become really aware of my inner anxiety (if that makes sense.)
So sometimes I end up feeling worse :(.


**Don't believe everything you think .**

sepo azul
05-06-05, 05:25
yes that's good advice: yoga, breathing excersises etc- "active relaxation" , that is a very good point. Guided meditation, from a tape might work, too- i tried the regular kind of meditation when I was a kid- had such a bad panic that one stands out in my memory. _ I think i know what you mean, Florence,


05-06-05, 10:07
You will get eventually Sepo, it just takes practice :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

05-06-05, 20:08
Hello Sepo,
Relaxation doesn't come easy to anxiety sufferers - if your mind is racing your bodily sensations will follow suit. The true art to physical relaxation starts with the mind, when I am really tense, I sit in a quite room, focus on the ticking of the clock or the sound of my own breathing. At the same time, try a relax each part of your body starting from your feet upwards. Milk is a natural relaxant so I try to have a couple of glasses a day. When you feel the waves of anxiety - let them wash over you- like a wave crashing on the beach. Try not to resist the feelings, let them come, let them go. Stimulation of the mind will inevitably stimulate your physical senses therefore try to remember to relax at regular intervals so that you don't get a "build up" of tension.
Best of luck!
P.S Check your posture! Are you all screwed up and tense?
We often add to our physical tension without even realising - go barefoot when you can aswell.
Amanda xx

a hill

05-06-05, 20:34
Hi Sepo, I can relate to exactly how you feel. I have tried relaxation tapes but that feeling of drifting makes me panic. I feel as if I have to be 'on my guard' as someone else has said. I find soft music playing in the background a good way to 'relax'. You can let your mind wander but re-focus if you need to. I am living proof that you can live with panic attacks and have a good quality of life. Of course there are bad moments, days - weeks etc but I have had panic attacks for 6 years on and off and the older I am getting the more able I am to say 'panic -do your worst'. It also helps if you can make YOURSELF the 'safety net'. That way you can go anywhere/do anything and cope. So how do you do that? Well for me it is my Christian faith - ( chatting with him above - he goes everywhere I go !) for others it may be visualisation, repeating a comforting phrase, clutching an object, crystals etc etc Whatever helps you and can 'go with you' so to speak will keep your World from closing in around you. Love and God Bless Dawn x :)

07-06-05, 00:00
Hi Hun

When life feels a bit better and you start to relax it hits you and it does me. A small reminder that we are still moving on and not over it yet. But it does get better and one day we will be able to relax and we will wait for that attack but it wont come and then we can see the suffering we went through was worth it in the end, however hard it gets.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

sepo azul
07-06-05, 22:18
Good advice from everyone, thanks.
I will have to work my way up to the point where I can lie down in a meadow... I have to say, I'm feeling pretty bright about things- in these last few weeks , after years and years of panic, I have come a long way towards recovery. I've recently learned that even when I feel a *bad* one coming on I can focus on my heart and try to calm it- this has really helped me. Knowing about panic attack has helped me tremendously.

07-06-05, 23:57
Well done you and great to hear that you feel you can control it.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.