View Full Version : anxious and going out of mind

15-10-08, 20:45
i have got an infection in my tooth and it has gone down and up my face i am hoping that the tingling in my tongue and feeling that i am choking on it is all in my head but i am getting myself really worked up over it and putting myself into panic attacks i was just wondering as i have tried most things what i can try or do next as really want to pull out of it i am very fidgety bouncing my foot and breathing funny any advice please begging

15-10-08, 21:56
Hello tracy,

Your tooth infection must be causing you so much discomfort, and if it has gone down and up your face, then you will be getting a lot of uncomfortable feelings. It must be really hard for you to take your mind off it, and I expect you are getting all sorts of weird sensations in and around the mouth. Please try not to worry about your tongue, because I am absolutely certain it cannot be affected in a way which will cause you harm, and you will not choke on it. It is just an unpleasant sensation. Try to steady your breathing and focus on something else, which is difficult I know when you are feeling uncomfortable and anxious.

Do hope you will be feeling better soon:hugs:

16-10-08, 09:11
thamk you rosie i tried doing my card making but nothing so on the phone at the mo to the dentist to see if it is the tablets fingers x it is and not me being right the dentist just saidthat i have a allergic reaction to the tablets they put me on relief but they dont see that , that is the problem with my tongue

16-10-08, 12:13
Hi tracy,

So glad you are in contact with your dentist, and do hope your problem will resolve soon. I can understand how distressing it must be to have these physical symptoms as well as the anxiety. I hope you can be reassured about your tongue and will be feeling a whole lot better about it soon. x x