View Full Version : Hiya

15-10-08, 23:46
Hey everyone im new to this, im 22 and suffer from depression relating back to a termination that i decided to have as i had an operation and found out after it that i was pregnant. Doctor said the medication i was on after the operation could have harmed the baby. I decided to go ahead and have the termination and it was the worst experience of my life. I try to think that maybe it was for the best as there could have been problems and that i was also far too young to have a kid. now i wish i had it no matter what and i just want to love that baby. Think that is what has led me to being depressed even tho it was almost 2 years ago and amongst other things. I have been on pills for 3months now. finding this site really helpfull so far thanks everyone... x

16-10-08, 00:28
Hi there and welcome along to NMP

Pooh x

16-10-08, 00:33
aww thank youuu :) xx

16-10-08, 07:16
hi misshy80

i can totally sympathise with you i have too been in your situation and am sure is what started my anxiety in the first place 12 years ago if you ever feel like you want to talk pm me xx

16-10-08, 18:10
Thanks everyone for your warm welcome xxx

milly jones
17-10-08, 16:22
welcome to the no more panic site

from milly xxxx :flowers:

17-10-08, 17:01
I can imagine your depression after terminating a pregnancy. That must have been a horrible decision to make. My heart goes out to you.

18-10-08, 19:03
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx

18-10-08, 19:10

:welcome: to nmp

jodie x