View Full Version : constant anxiety

16-10-08, 09:08
Hya folks hope you are all well.

I was just wondering if I was on my own with my anxiety as in I have it constant ..not just attacks here and there but I have a feeling from morning till night of tension and anxiety ...even sitting at home I feel not there sometimes and always have this sick feeling . When I go 2 work I feel like the floors a mile away and feel giddy .......and this is so tirying I come home exhausted as I have the feelings there all day .Throuight the day I have sudden bigger anxiety where I want 2 go home or want 2 go 2 bed where I feel safe ..but its the constant feelings Im not understanding .

Thanx for reading x

Titchjd xxxxxxxxxxxxxx:D

Caz 47
16-10-08, 09:40
Hi i dont post on here very often but i read all the posts and im on here every day i read your post and it struck a cord with me too yes i feel just like you i get up in the morning and i feel anxiety and throughout the day it sometimes gets worse depending on what happens in my life .. it is not a nice feeling at all and i really do hate being there with it .. im not a young person by any means and just recentlyhave suffered such alot of aniexty problems but you are not alone on this one im like you i run for a safe place when i can sometimes my home isnt a safe place as so many things
go on from day to day sometimes makes me more anxious than being away from home .. i do really wish that it would go away but thank goodness i found this site it does help so much to read that you are not alone in any of this ... i really wish you well and please know you are not alone in your feelings with this ... god bless carole x

16-10-08, 09:56
Hya folks hope you are all well.

I was just wondering if I was on my own with my anxiety as in I have it constant ..not just attacks here and there but I have a feeling from morning till night of tension and anxiety ...even sitting at home I feel not there sometimes and always have this sick feeling . When I go 2 work I feel like the floors a mile away and feel giddy .......and this is so tirying I come home exhausted as I have the feelings there all day .Throuight the day I have sudden bigger anxiety where I want 2 go home or want 2 go 2 bed where I feel safe ..but its the constant feelings Im not understanding .

Thanx for reading x

Titchjd xxxxxxxxxxxxxx:D


You're not alone, I feel exactly like this right now, and have done for quite abit, it kind of merges into depression every now and then too. Usually when anxiety hits me, it's quite full on, it doesn't seem to do it by halves :huh: . It's constant and it's horrible to live with. I have found that my anxiety/depression hits me harder this time of year, every year, (has done for as long as I can remember).. Strange I wonder if it's something to do with the Season.

For me I seem to feel worse in the morning times, then alittle better at night time, (but I think this is just because I have the company of my bf and children being around in the evenings). It's just comforting to know they are there, even though I feel I need so much personal space right now.

Hope you feel better soon. :flowers:

16-10-08, 09:58
hiya titch, hugs hun and sorry u are struggling with your panic and anxiety, u got friends here and we all look after u hun. hugs xxxxxxxxxxx

16-10-08, 11:09
Hey hun..i get the constant anxiety too..its awful..heres some hugs...:bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :bighug1: :bighug1: lv little titch xxxxxx

Hope 2
16-10-08, 11:51
Hi Titch

No you aint on your own, I relate. I have a kinda rumbling anxiety from am to pm. In the evening I tend to lock the world out for half an hour and switch my head off. It's brill. If I don't do this, I can really feel unwell with it. I also feel detatched from life, most of the day.

No advice, just understanding.

Jules xx

16-10-08, 12:08
You are most surely NOT ALONE with this awful feeling of constant rolling anxiety.
I have had it for last 4 days and i feel shattered.

16-10-08, 13:15
Hi, i can relate to this too. I get anxious about walking down the street, crossing roads even getting the bus. Every little thing is a worry.

16-10-08, 13:28
My anxiety is worse in the morning. Once I open my eyes I leap out of bed as my head just starts churning thing over and over in my head.

I then have to do things in the same order. Like put the rubbish out, feed the dogs, feed me, wash the dishes up ect ect. It has to be done in the same order every morning. If I have say an early appointment for the doctor's then I have to get up earlier to make sure everything has been done in it's set order.

My anxiety does calm down as the day goes on.


16-10-08, 15:10
Thanx everyone for your replies ....
I was starting 2 feel that only I had that constant anx feeling from morning till night .
Its so hard 2 ignore as its there al the time ...even if its not intense it is there in my body ..very hard 2 explain but never feel relaxed and have inner shaking and just a strange feeling.

I hope you are all ok and have had a good day and thanx again 4 replying xxxx

16-10-08, 21:14
I definitley know how you're feeling, I have it too.

Although by the sounds of things I have it in reverse to most people, I wake up feeling not too awful, in fact occasionally I wake up anxiety free! But within the first couple hours it creeps back into my head, by lunchtime it's trying to consume me, and by around 5pm it's there, eating away at me, until I get home and can shut the world out for the evening.

Even then though it stays with me throughout. It's like a constant thought I sometimes put to the back of my mind but never manage to forget completely. It always manages to creep back to the forefront.

It's terrible! It does occasionally manifest as a full blown panic attack, maybe once or twice a week, but generally it's this gnawing, anxious, on edge feeling in my head and all over me that has the biggest effect. I'm worn out by it every single day. I have never felt this tired at the end of the day before in my life!

So yep, you have my sympathy entirely titch, I know how horrible this is, I'm constantly worrying that I'm gonna stay feeling like this forever, and never feel like my old self again. x

16-10-08, 21:43
Hiya Richd .......

sorry 2 hear you also suffer like me ...Its very hard isnt it ..I know what u mean about it creeping through the day as thats like me ...I wake up anxious but then its just there in my mind everyday .....every thought is about my anxiety ...as much as I try 2 think of something else I cant its just there all the time even at work nuthin takes my mind off it as im only just getting used 2 work again so its constant battle with my thoughts and feelings .

do you work and go out ...? how do you manage yours ?
Hope you dont mind me asking and PM me if you want x

thanx 4 replying and I hope you are well x

Titchjd xxxxxxxxxx

17-10-08, 12:11
:mad: some people think they have a problem when a tune keeps rolling around in their head. If they had our problem they would have something to complain about:weep:

Just its just that when the thoughts seem to be easing off and then come back with a vengence i get so angry with myself,:mad:

24-10-08, 11:02
Hiya folks ........

How do u cope with constant anxiety ..Ive been back 2 work a while now but still everyday is a battle of thoughts and feelings ....like yesterday i spent the whole 4 hr shift feeling dizzy and thinking cant do this then saying yes you can and this was all day ..its so tireing ....I stayed the 4hrs which in the past I would have gone home but I thought it would get easier with time yet its getting worse .......WHY .....I have had lots of extra stress so could it be that ?

I justwant 2 wake up and my 1st thought not be how am I going2 be 2 day i fel anxious x

Big hugs 2 every1 x
Titch xxxxxxxxxxxx:hugs:

26-10-08, 07:32
i too feel like this even when im not panicking i feel almost as if i vibrate that sounds strange i know but i have a shaking feelin inside thats not visible to others it makes me very tired all the time though sleep rarely comes easily xxxx

26-10-08, 08:25
i too feel like this even when im not panicking i feel almost as if i vibrate that sounds strange i know but i have a shaking feelin inside thats not visible to others it makes me very tired all the time though sleep rarely comes easily xxxx

Hiya thats exactly how I am it doesnt sound strange at all .

It is very tireing and doesnt matter what i do it doesnt go ..even sitting relaxing .

why does this happen ?

Hope u are well 2 day x

26-10-08, 09:42
hiya matey, hope u ok today i had a very heavy night on the wine lol

26-10-08, 10:07
hiya matey, hope u ok today i had a very heavy night on the wine lol

LOL...I do that most nyts hehe ......aslong as It was a gud nyt hun ...u got bad head this morn ??????

Hugs :hugs:

26-10-08, 10:09
hello matey, yeah 2 bottles i reckon i drank and sore head today hehe oh and yes titch the guests thankfully had gone pmsl.
hope u doing ok?

26-10-08, 10:12
hello matey, yeah 2 bottles i reckon i drank and sore head today hehe oh and yes titch the guests thankfully had gone pmsl.
hope u doing ok?

Phew thats a relief didnt want 2 see you on Youtube performing so 2 speak hahaha x

Im ok hun tired as got up 2 early cus of clocks :blush: Id 4 got x

26-10-08, 10:14
:roflmao: youtube, wot u like women

yes i got up earlier too, didnt even realise till this morning that i was an hour ahead of myself :ohmy: .

26-10-08, 11:46
Feel exactly the same, morning to night :weep:

I feel messed up with the clocks too, I shouldn't have set mine back at 10pm last night when others didn't lol :) xx

27-10-08, 08:12
i cant drink every time i try i have a pa:wacko: i really miss a wee drink or two or three:D still the vibrating is like being drunk:ohmy:
