View Full Version : Having a bad start to the day

16-10-08, 09:46
Hiya guys,just having a rotten start to the day,i just want to go back to bed and stay there for like months and months,i am soooooo tired and fed up with worrying about money and whats going to happen with the business and my house.I am SICK of it.SICK,SICK,SICK.All my life it has been a constant struggle as i know it is for soooooo many people.In the last recession i really suffered too,husband was made redundant,had negative equity and now its coming again i am terrified.I feel like its all closing in around me and i can't get out and that no one cares what happens to me and the children.I can't bear to watch the news cos it sets off panics and of course i'm still getting over this awful split with my bf.I know i am focusing on all the bad stuff but when ur surrounded it by it its so hard to be positive.I have no family around but they don't care anyway unfortunately and not many friends now.I feel like i'm drowning.

16-10-08, 10:08
Hi Ali,

I wish I could give you some advice. I'm sorry you're having such a rough time right now.

I Just want you to know that i'm thinking of you and am wishing you well soon.

Take care of you.

:hugs: xx

16-10-08, 10:48
hi ali

i am so sorry love that you are going through all of thins and not really sure what there is i can say to make it any better ,i guess with work all you can do Hun is see what happens don't let things get so bad you can do nothing about it hun is there anyone you can get advice from or help with the business.
try hun to have a life outside work and kids ect see if you can get a night out to try relax a bit

:bighug1: :bighug1:

jodie xx

16-10-08, 10:52
I understand what your saying i worry about money a lot to and ive just had to resign from my job because i couldnt cope (i was only there 4 months) I used to be a very strong peron who held a senior managment role but although ive come through the worst of it and am now med free (3 months) im finding my emotions are very up and down and severe pressure gets to me and makes me act totally out of character.

I understand what you say about no-one understanding, my familly are great but they dont understand that you cant just switch anxiety off, its an illness.

I feel im letting my wife and children down and i really worry about our mortgage but im starting to accept that if the worst happened id still have my wife and children (well i hope so) Ive learnt in recent weeks that its no good hiding from problems they just get worse if you can try and start taking actions to ease the long term pressure on yourself. Look at the successes not the failures (this coming from the man who lives in negative land) but its true.

good luck

16-10-08, 11:02
hey hun..i can only begin to imagine what its like with the stress of a morgage and kids too..you mentioned in chat the other day about going to citizens advice..did u go?? all u can do is be a strong as possible...have u ever conciderd a council house you would save an awful lot of money...even if it di get bad you would get re-homed anyway because you have yung kiddies...so try not to worry to much...here if u ever need me...:bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

16-10-08, 21:10
:bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: Ali

Not much use I know but from the heart:flowers:

Kaz x x x:hugs:

16-10-08, 23:21
Similar problems - perhaps we could drown together? I know it's wrong to joke about stuff like this, but you are not alone and something has to keep us all going! Take care, I wish someone was there for me, but I must have been a really bad person in a former life to have to deal with and feel like I do now.Sorry to be negative, I've had a really bad day :( XX

16-10-08, 23:36
Ive had a mortgage for 28 years, the last two and a half being on my own, I hide the post from myself every day as there is more and more regarding finances and loosing house, it just annoys me as the first house I bought was for 7 thousand,i could have paid it off loads of times now.
I was your friend Ali, and for a long time,and supported you or tried, but then you just seem to disappear.
Hope things improve, xxxx

17-10-08, 13:03
Finances are a big concern to me too at the mo and I haven't quite worked out what I'm gonna do either. I feel for you Ali I do!!

Like Titch asked have you been to CAB yet????

Piglet :flowers:

17-10-08, 13:38
Thanx guys for all your messages.Seems like a lot of us are in the same boat.I did do something about it yesterday managed to get a three month mortgage holiday that i didn't realise was owed to me,jus feels so nice to have some breathing space so i can sort finances out a bit.
Alexis i will pm you hun.
Ali xx

17-10-08, 18:03
Ali my friend,

It makes me so sad to read your post. I wish I could wave a magic wand and make it all better for you. Just wanted to let you know that there are people that care about you (even if some of us are a LONG way away). Even though I have never met you I feel like I know you well and feel very confident that you are a strong woman who will make it through this tough time and come out the other end a survivor.

Hang in there matey, you can do it.

Sending lots of love and hugs from my house to yours.

Natalie x

17-10-08, 18:18
Aww ali hun,

i'm really sorry you're going through a rough patch.
I understand the money worries, my mum is going to lose her house very shortly as she and her hubby both got made reduntant last year and they were both managers with highly paid jobs, listening to your thread was like listening to my mum.

Its horrible having money worries, and it causes so much stress. I wish there was something i could do for you and my mum.

big hugs to you hun and i'm always here for you

di xx

17-10-08, 19:20
I am glad some good came out of your despair. Keep your head up.