View Full Version : tense muscles

04-06-05, 18:08
hi all,
a quick question - do any of you sometimes find that when you are trying to relax, ie during a tape or going to sleep, that you just can't and you HAVE to tense your muscles!
I asked my hubby and he's never had this and thinks i'm odd! But its almost like I just have to move and tense up in order to relax!?
does anyone understand or know why this happens?
p.s. apart from that i'm doing really well!!:D

04-06-05, 18:11
Progressive muscle relaxation is all about tensing up each muscle in turn as much as possible, holding it for afew seconds and then releasing it with a huge sigh... Makes a huge difference

Try it


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

04-06-05, 18:27
I would have to agree with Meg there. I often get tense muscles and sometimes if I'm trying to relax I just can't do it without using this method, it helps a lot.

I usually find too, that after a few days of routinely relaxing then it becomes easier.


04-06-05, 18:38

i'm not voluntarily tensing my muscles, its almost like i HAVE to do it - i'm not sure i'm making much sense!

or are you saying that when i get this, to keep tensing and then relaxing.. but even after doing that i still feel the need to tense them..!!??! i'm confused!


04-06-05, 18:49
Yes, keep tensing harder and harder and hold and then sigh it out..

Exercise would also be very helpful..


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

04-06-05, 19:11
ok. i get it now!
I'll try that tonight! and exercise is probably a great idea as i dont think i've left the house all day today! yuk. better go for a walk.
thank you.

05-06-05, 02:59

<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">do any of you sometimes find that when you are trying to relax, ie during a tape or going to sleep, that you just can't and you HAVE to tense your muscles!</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Yes, definitely! Not nice.


**Don't believe everything you think .**

05-06-05, 14:14
Agree with Meg. The harder you tense your muscles the better it is.

It does get easier the more you do it.

with good wishes


13-12-06, 22:44

13-12-06, 22:50
Sorry - first time here.

I have been suffering from anxiety disorder for about 5 to 6 months and I have only been diagnosed in the last 2 months, and its a releif to know that I am not dying!!
My one concern at the moment. and believe me I seem to have got to know the doc very well over the past 6 months! is that when I fell more anxious sometimes in the day, I seem to hav one eye lid that comes lower on my eye. it does not last all day, it does tend to g o back to normal, and sometimes I have the feeling of numbness momentaily across that side of my eye and side of the head.

The doctor says its all anxiety!!! Everything seems to be because of this but I am convinced there must be something more sinister.
I suffer terrible floaters , and have done since I remember the anxious feelings coming, but the optician states everything is fine with the eye.
I have had two eye tests because I did not beleive the first optician!!
Yes, anxiety I believe!
Anyone experienced anything similar with the eye lid?

26-03-08, 22:34
Hi LisaS,
I know EXACTLY what you are talking about. I go through that a LOT. Glad to hear I am not alone.


26-03-08, 22:56
Hi yeah
Meg is right muscle tensing even if not done on purpose is a huge relief because you get to know the difference as well between the tense and relaxed state. You may be doing this sort of sub conciously because you need to, like a cat stretching and my dog when he stretches his legs out and arches his back. He doesn't actually know why but instinct tells him he needs to.
As for the lady with the eye problem/ numbness i have never heard of that happening but anxiety can affect the body in many unpleasent ways.
If you doctor and optician have ruled out anything physical then should imagine a symptom of anxiety. But you could get a second opinion??
There may be others on here who will reply who also have that happen or something similar.
All the best Luv Richie xxxxxxxxxxx