View Full Version : Very scared..please read

16-10-08, 10:54
I feel like I am dying. I feel like my body is not working anymore. I think I am probably depressed. A month ago me and my boyfriend of 10 years broke up. He ended it. It all came as a bit of a shock and I moved out immediately. We were supposed to be moving together to another place and I was supposed to be starting uni. I cancelled my university place as I felt I couldn't cope with it. Before the break up I felt like I was just about holding it together but still had some wobbles. For the past month I have been doing ok, at the beginning I even managed to go out a few times with my friends. I was working part time but I kept getting a cold which wiped me out. But now I feel awful, I feel like I am physical not able to do anything, I can't explain the barrier which is holding me back but there seems to be one inside me, I spent all of yesterday crying at work and all evening, I can't sleep properly and I am scared. I miss him so much, he was in my life since I was 16 so all my adult experiences were with him.


16-10-08, 11:06
Oh hugs, I think you have a broken heart. It causes physical and emotional pain. And it really really hurts.

It's going to take time, there is sadly no magic cure for your pain. Time helps and you'll need some support to get through this. Get those friends round and tell them you are in pieces and you need their help (good friends love to help so don't feel you are putting on them). Tell them you don't even know what will help so let them think of things too.

You will need to cry but there will be a point when you stop crying so much and start to move a little forward with your life.

Take this as an opportunity when you feel a little braver to think about YOU. What do you want from your life, e.g. what was it you wanted to do at Uni? Do you want to do something else?

Broken hearts do mend but slowly so take it easy on yourself and get some good support to hold your hand xxxx

16-10-08, 11:18
i agree i think u have a broken heart...it may not seem it now but it will get easier to deal with...keep strong hun...hugs coming atcha....here if u ever need a chat..xxxxx:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :bighug1: :bighug1:

16-10-08, 11:47
sorry that your relationship hasnt worked out.My mam and dad split up a year ago and my mam was totally dependant on him,for money,confidence, everything.She had been with him for 37 years and like you never had another man.
A year on she is trying to rebuild her life.She has been left with the house and its repairs.She hasnt got a job as she cant work so has to rely upon my dad to support her even though he isnt livin at home.
She is much more positive as a person and has finally started to go back out and has even made new friends.Even though i dont really get on with her, i am really pleased that she has turned her life around.
I know it wont seem like it for now,but maybe in a few months you will look back and say i'm glad this has happened.There is a whole new world waiting for you out there.
Do you have the support of family and friend?
I would go and see the dr and see if there is anything you can have to get you through this difficult time in your life.
Lots of ((((((((hugs)))))) let us know haow you get on!:doh:

Hope 2
16-10-08, 11:59
Hello There

I would suggest a visit to your GP also. Sometimes when the world is caving in on top of us like this, we need a little help. You are having to deal with several life changing events all at once, no wonder you feel so crap. We HAVE to find it within ourselves to 'get on with it' despite our heartache hun, and boy does it feel great when we are coming out the other side of it :yesyes: .

It's early days yet, get some help from wherever u can. Do you have a Women's Centre near you, these type of places offer free/very cheap counselling for many reasons including relationships etc.

Julia xx

16-10-08, 15:16
love your quote"sticking 2 fingers up to those who make me feel like nothing"

16-10-08, 15:26
Thanks for your messages, I am going to the doctors tonight.

16-10-08, 16:02
keep us posted on how you get on and if you need to talk just switch on the internet.I have just joined this forum and i love it:D

16-10-08, 16:12
When one of my relationships ended, I was so broken hearted I cried for two full months. No one could understand because I was only with the guy for 3 months. Not even enough time to fall in love. Now that I look back on it, what was I thinking!! He was not worth one tear I cried. I know this isn't the same situation as you and your mate of 10 years, I am just relating that I had the same feelings. Lethargy, remorse, depression, anxiety, no interest in life. I wish that I had of gone to the doctor then, instead of going through all that despair. Hope that you are coping better today.

16-10-08, 16:19
There's nothing like a relationship break up to shake you up a bit. I can understand why you are feeling so down. It is the end of an era but you must try and see that it is also the start of a new one. I have known so many people come out of a relationship and feel as if their life as ended. They have spent time nursing their broken hearts (and rightly so) and then they have started to discover new experiences and have never looked back. This will happen to you too, you just need to take some time out and reflect on your life for a while. You are going to miss your ex but i think you will find that what you miss most is the mere company. I hope i don't sound harsh as i really am sympathetic to your situation. Go speak to your doctor and explain how you are feeling, their will be something they can do to help you.

BIG HUGS :hugs: