View Full Version : Hi to all - Great Site

16-10-08, 11:13
Hi, (think an apology is nescessary first as I can see this being a very long post as I need to let it all out & a thank you if you make it to the end of this long post) I am new to this and I am hoping to overcome this one day as I thought I did before.

I started having panic attacks about 20 years ago cant remember how long they lasted then but I did get over it - But it came back with a vengence about 2 years ago. When they started this time I felt a panic what seemed like every 2 mins throughout the day - I had chest pains I felt lightheaded and dizzy. Had ecg. etc. all was fine my doctor put me on a very low dose of seroxat and I felt awful, worse than ever and came off of them. I couldn't go out or seem to function with normal life at all.

I then decided enough was enough and went back to work which was very stressful but I coped and found myself gradually functioning again. Although I developed a fear for almost everything. I have always had a phobia of the doctors, dentist but since this this bout of panics I am also have phobias of supermarkets, flying driving long distance socialising in large groups with unfamiliar people, being alone, the dark and most of all death and health anxiety.

I still occasionally get a light headed feeling and chest pains, most of the time I feel great now but generally I still get chest pains not every day and they don't last for long seconds really. When I get the chest pains I could be at work or at home but always when I go to bed and the house is empty, this is when it is the most unbearable I really think I am going to die. But overall I am a very happy person with little stress and no real worries which is why I am finding it so hard to cope with.

I really want to be able to live life as I remember it - No fears and not being scared of doing things that I enjoy.

I would be grateful for any advise.

Thank you if you made it to the end of my message.

16-10-08, 11:27
:welcome: to nmp.... well done for getting yourself back into work and doing the best you can... i have the same fears as you..they are awful but we can all fight this...this site is a real big help and the people here all understand so its really helpful..it has helped me alot on my road to recovery and im sure it will do the same for you..keep strong...here if u ever need a chat...xxx:bighug1: :hugs:

16-10-08, 11:49
Hi there

Welcome to NMP

You're not on your own sweety. There are many people here who have similar problems. I really hope you get lots of support here and meet lots of lovely new people too.

xxxx :flowers:

17-10-08, 11:27
Hi there and welcome along to NMP

Pooh x

milly jones
17-10-08, 16:04
welcome to the no more panic site

from milly xxxx :flowers:

17-10-08, 16:46

Welcome to No More Panic. You will find help and support here.

I know what you mean about feeling worse at night when you are on your own. At my worse, my daughter said over night at a friends and I was so scared to go to bed, alone in the house, that I stayed up all night.

I can cope a lot better now 2yrs down the line, if she stays overnight at her friends and can go to bed without too much anxiety.

Keep sharing.


18-10-08, 19:43
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx