View Full Version : drinking alcohol and visual disturbance

16-10-08, 11:28
I often drink a couple of drinks a night. But often will drink allot at the weekend and will do occasionally in the week.
For quite some time now i have woken up in the morning after a particular heavy night of drinking and when i open my eyes i get a similar effect in my eyes as when you stare at a light bulb but in several places, (several lights) the lights in particular look like bmw's angel eye headlights. it dissapears after a few seconds untill i close my eyes where it reappears for a few seconds, then goes untill i open my eyes again. This cycle can last for a few hours.
Please help me as i'm starting to really worry!

16-10-08, 12:06
Perhaps if you called a halt to the drinking you could see if it made any difference.

16-10-08, 12:29
I've tried this, sometimes i will go for a quite some time without drinking, (i wont lie apart from one drink with meal out) and it seems to make no difference, it only happens when i have had alllot though. so i maybe only get it once a month.

05-11-08, 16:48
Hi, funnily enough I get this too if I've had a particularly heavy night! I open my eyes and I can see a white circle and then it will go. I think it is related to blood sugar levels. If you've drunk a lot then the morning after your blood sugar levels are often quite low, and this can cause the eye to react in strange ways and produce these visual disturbances. I know I will also quite often get an occular migraine after exercise for the same reason.