View Full Version : Brain tumour or Panic attack????

16-10-08, 13:09
Some weeks back i might have mentioned about a terrible middle-night experience where i woke up feeling terrible nausea (really needing to be sick), i was weak & only just managed to crawl to the toilet, I felt as if I would pass out. My heart was racing and I was freezing although it felt as if the inside of my body was heating up (hard to explain!). I was grey and clammy and felt as if i was going to die. It was the scariest experience ever! I ended up at A&E where they monitored my heart, took some blood and observed me overnight. They said it sounded like an anxiety attack!!. I wasnt entirely convinced as I have never experienced this before. My panic attacks have never been like this.
The same thing happened last night but not as bad. I talked myself out of it but it still felt terrible.
I'm sooo worried that it is something more serious and i am tempted to GOOGLE but i know this won't help.
I'm sure i once read that these can be symptoms of a brain tumour and i'm really worrying.
As anyone else experienced anything like this before?
How would you describe your panic attacks?
Please help me, theres no point me going to see my GP cos she will just put it straight down to anxiety without even checking me over (I'm sure you'r all familiar with that!)

16-10-08, 13:21
Sorry to hear you've been feeling so low. :(

Actually, I've had something similar to this myself recently. I was just sitting at the computer and out of nowhere my heart began racing really fast and then I felt so weak and sick that I seriously thought I was going to pass out. I thought I was having an aneurysm because my head was hurting too and I felt hot all over my body.It was so scary. But then it went away. So I guess it was just anxiety.

16-10-08, 13:28
DONT google!!it does just sound like an anxiety attack hun...keep strong...xx:hugs: