View Full Version : Hello

16-10-08, 13:11
Hi everyone, :emot-wave:

I am so glad that i found this site. It is a big relief to know that there are other people out there with the same thoughts and feelings (symptoms) as me. I thought i was really wierd and going mental and that there was something really wrong with me mentally, after reading some of the posts on this site i have found that i have normal symptoms that i didnt realise were symptoms of panic disorder.

I was diagnosed with panic disorder about 5yrs ago and was prescibed Citalopram 20mg, after having awful panic attacks every time i was alone and especially when i had to go out alone. I thought I was dying. Some how after finding out it was "just" panic disorder it did seem to ease. I got on with life then really for about 2 years a little anxious but not panicky.

Then when i was pregnant with my second son i stopped taking Citalorpram and the panic came back. Again after a few months i started taking Citalorpram 10mg and the panic eased back to anxiety. I then got on with life again so i thought for another few months, i went back to work, had a great social life, was studying at college and thought life was great.

Then in March this year all of a sudden out of the blue i had about five panic attacks in one day and couldnt work out why, i kept thinking i would die, i worried about my children dying, my partner dying, the world ending, i thought i was absolutly crazy and was panicking the whole time for days on end. I had palpatations, pins and needles in my legs, dizzyness and disorientation. I stopped going out on my own, i couldnt even get to the doctors, i stopped going to work out with friends, stopped living all together really. I am now back on Citalorpram 20mg and have been offered 6 sessions of counselling of which i have already had 4. I dont really feel much better, i am not so panicky but am filled with dread of having a panic attack, i think i would say i am agrophobic as i do not go anywhere i really really dont need to. I will just about go to get my kids from school, but cant go to the doctors or dentist alone.

I have become deppressed about the whole thing now and am quite isolated by my own doing. I cant seem to get out of the pit.

Ps i am loving some of the comments on the end of peoples posts the one i like especially is the one where pooh bear and piglet are under a tree and pooh says suppose this tree fell on us and piglet replies "supposing it didnt". Thats fantastic, i have been trying to hold onto that thought since i read it, it seems to help as lots of my anxiety is caused by anxious "what if" thoughts so all i need to do is think "what if not" thoughts (easier said than done though).

Anyway thanks for reading and sorry its such a long one but that is basicly me and why im here. xxx
Chelle x

16-10-08, 14:18
:hugs: welcome to NMP im sure this site will help you as much as its helping me :)

16-10-08, 14:49
Hi Michelle, im new here as well.
I hope yout get better soon.

Veronica H
16-10-08, 16:20
:welcome: Michelle. Glad you have found us.


17-10-08, 00:41
Hi Chelle, I have just joined too after trawling through lots of self help sites offering quick cures for money!! I have to admit i was tempted as i feel desperate.
I have suffered from anxiety all my life but developed panic attacks when i was 16 and pregnant. I have had on off episodes ever since and have been free of them for 2 years once!! Currently I am in the process of selling my house and they have come back with avengence. Most of my days are spent checking how i feel and the common 'what ifs' which just enhance m anxiety.I know that the key is to not fear them but it is very difficult when you are scared. I do believe that there is a way so never give up hope!!

17-10-08, 11:22
Hi there and welcome along to NMP

Pooh x

milly jones
17-10-08, 16:14
welcome to the no more panic site

from milly xxxx :flowers:

17-10-08, 16:54

Welcome to No More Panic. There are a lot of people on here who will give you help and support.

Keep posting


17-10-08, 17:12
Welcome, and free to post as often or as long as needed. We are like one big family!

18-10-08, 19:02
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx

18-10-08, 20:42
Hi all,

Thank you for the kind welcomes,

Speak soon

Chelle xx