View Full Version : Dizzy, Chest Pains - Why won't they stop?

16-10-08, 13:29
Hi, thankfully I can now control the panics but why can't I shake the dizzy unreal feeling and the chest pains? It seems that most of us develop these anxiety symptoms in adult life, we wasn't born with them so why don't they go? I will be having a great day - not anxious - no stress but they will still come and mess up my day and make me cry.
Thanks, J x

16-10-08, 19:58

Your not alone in this. I suffer with this even when i think im not anxious

the best thing is to try to ignore them, easier said i no though

mandie x

17-10-08, 21:28
It'll be ok. Just ignore them...they are common anxiety symptoms. If you ignore them and take it easy they won't bother you anymore...and might stop all together.

18-10-08, 12:20
what helped me with this problem, was drink lots and make sure you get plenty of sleep...it will go (((((HUGS)))))