View Full Version : anyone else get this!

16-10-08, 18:07
hey there folks! kinda feel stupid here, had a funny sensation in my chest that went up my neck and then i felt as if people around me were strangers. My immediate thoughts were 'oh no! i've had a stroke!' cos of that mental sensation brought on by the chest up neck feeling. My rational self says this hasnt happened cos i didnt have a sudden headache, numbness, paralysis....etc etc! (silly isnt it!) and that all i probably had was a sensation that caused my brain to go funny in a split second.

anyone esle get this and/or any tips to help override the 'rubbish' that pops into ones mind!



16-10-08, 18:32
Sounds like classic anxiety attack.
Adrenaline rush, "fight or flight" response, muscle tightening/tension, prickling feeling on skin, hyperventilating, racing heartbeat, and feeling as if you're almost having a "out of body" de-personalisation experience.

I find when that happens, to just go quickly find a quiet place to go sit down and collect my thoughts, control my breathing, for 5 mins... will help.