View Full Version : chest pain and fever

16-10-08, 21:04
Hi all.
I really don't believe that its anxiety this time.Can I describe the symptoms iv'e been having for about 2 or 3 months and sorry if you've heard all this before but this is really worrying me.

Ok here goes.

dull ache round the bottom half of chest mostly right side going round to my back .This is made worse with certain movements and sometimes the pain is sharper and moves around other areas of the chest.

Breathlessness with fever and sweats.
tingling in face , hands , fingers.
unsteady while walking with a feeling of heaviness.

those are the most apparent and the chest symptoms the most worrying.
Doctor says it's anxiety but i don't believe him.
I am a smoker age 52 and i know this doesn't help.
It's a vicious circle ,smoking relaxes me but i fear I am doing alot of damage but find it so hard to quit.

I have studied all the symptoms list and for a long time knew different aches and pains were anxiety related but this time seems so different.

I feel so ill with all this now and feel there is more going on than anxiety.

Any replies appreciated


16-10-08, 21:30
Hi Tamo

Even if this is anxiety related, i think you should push for your doctor to investigate further just to make sure. I am not saying there is anything wrong with you sweetheart but doctors are notorious for puting everything down to anxiety when we are sufferers.

Even if it is just for your own peace of mind, talk to your doctor again and if he/she refuses to carry out tests to rule anything else out then i would be seeking a second opinion.

Let us know how you get on

Love Lisa

16-10-08, 21:49
Hi there Tamo, what sort of tests did the doctor carry out before giving the anxiety diagnosis? The heaviness in the legs is something that I had when my anxiety was severe - a feeling like all of the strength had gone out of my legs, like walking down the hallway I was walking up the steepest hill in the world? When I described this to my doctor she said it was a classic anxiety symptom. I also had palpitations, heaviness in the chest, tingling extremities, frequent urination, dizziness etc. I had blood tests and a physical exam - all OK. I think it is good to get those bloods and a proper going-over by the doctor (blood pressure, listen to heart, a look at your eyes etc). If all of this has been done and it is clear - especially if the bloods are fine - then your doc is probably right.

17-10-08, 05:08
thanks for the replies.
I had blood tests for liver and kidney and a few others which im not sure about and they all came back normal.
I think i should push for a chest xray or scan to see if i dont have lung problems.

The thing is this and i really should be reasure by this, Its 4 am and ive woke up feeling ive had the best sleep ever and there isnt one single pain anywhere,i feel so relaxed. After being up for 2 or 3 hours the nightmare begins again .

Thanks for listening