View Full Version : New here.

17-10-08, 01:29
Hello. My name is Melinda. I am 36 and a stay at home mom. I have 4 kids with one on the way and a wonderful husband. I am due December 3. I am a Christian. I was diagnosed with anxiety and panic a little over 3 yrs ago and with therapy and medication got it under control. When I found out I was pregnant I weened off my meds and was doing fine for a few months. About 6 weeks ago I was hospitalized for Hyperemesis and since then the anxiety and panic has creeped back in. It got to the point that I could not function. I was staying in bed and not being a 'mother'. After great disappointment, I have started my meds again. And the fact that I have to wait for them to build up in my system is driving my crazy. I want it to be fixed now. The panic is alot worse this time around. Maybe because of the pregnancy. I am so happy I found this sight and I pray to God that it will help. Any help would be great. I look forward to talking with you all. Have a blessed night.

17-10-08, 04:35
hello melinda welcome to nmp :hugs:

17-10-08, 11:21
Hi there and welcome along to NMP

Pooh x

17-10-08, 11:21
Hi there

A BIG :welcome: to NMP
I'm sure you'll find lots of support on here, everyone is very friendly and we all like to help one another.:)

milly jones
17-10-08, 15:59
welcome to the no more panic site

from milly xxxx :flowers:

17-10-08, 16:34

Welcom to the forum.


17-10-08, 16:47
I am so glad to have another Christian on board. Some people say that if you believe in God then he should heal you of anxiety. Well take it from me, that is not the case. Anxiety is just like any disease, it must run its course. I am on meds too, and in the past made the mistake of stopping them abruptly, only to have to go back on again later. So I know what you are talking about. Good luck to you and God bless you.
PM me anytime.

18-10-08, 02:32
Thank you so much. God has helped me alot in my anxiety and i agree, this is like any other illness. God does heal but in His will and that is not always in our time. I am so glad to be here and I look forward to all the help and information.

18-10-08, 19:01
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx

18-10-08, 19:55
hi melinda and welcome
debera:hugs: :hugs:

19-10-08, 02:06
OK so like I don't already know the answer to this but responsed in how you deal with these symptoms would be great.

I often feel like my head is... I don't know- so hard to explain. Lightheaded. Spaced out. A little out of my head- does that make since. Of course if I don't have the fear then I feel all of those symptoms. Headache some times. Is this going to be the time that I will actually pass out. I never have. And I know it's the fear. And when I don't have the fear it is easy to say this is no big deal. It will pass. I am fine. But then when the fear comes it does not work that easy. I have been through this for about 7 weeks now. I am still here. And I know that I will be fine- until I feel really bad. I keep asking myself why me? I have four beautiful children with one on the way. A wonderful husband and I love God with all my heart, soul and mind. Why me? But why any of us, right?

Sorry I am babbling. I started back on my effexor about 4 weeks ago. Still at 37.5mg. Maybe I need to bump it up to 75. I am going to talk to my doc about that this week. Just wanted to know that I am not the only one going through all of this.

19-10-08, 05:14
Hello Melinda,
Welcome to you :)

19-10-08, 07:02
Hi Melinda

:welcome: to NMP.

Mandy xx

19-10-08, 20:03
Hi Melinda - a welcome from A christian in UK. I pray for recovery - but I follow medical advice of course! I'll include you in my prayers ( and Sheryl if you would like me to)


Chris xx

19-10-08, 20:07
Hi Melinda :) Welcome to NMP!

Simone xx