View Full Version : a bit of everything!

17-10-08, 13:17
ok wasnt sure where to put this. . .
this is kind of just a rant and rave. . . but also with a posative side.
well this morning i have had the worst panic for a long time. . .
ive got alot going on in my life especially the last couple of weeks(funeral, sons accident etc), but just today alone i had to go to the school to sort out a prob with youngest daughter. . . she had been given detention yesterday for bullying someone . . well im sorry i know we all think the best of our kids but there is no way she would, in fact i have been keeping a close eye on her as she has just not been right lately and i believe she is the one being bullyed, the form tutor said "i dont know !!! and im not sure! and i will look into it! ring back monday" i am fuming as i spoke to him on the phone yesterday and thought he would have looked into it by now waste of flippin time.
anyway im totally goong off the subject now. . . .
oh and my youngest son has gone to london for an audition first time on a train staying with a mates so far away(hmmm he is 18 though).
anyway the point of this post is this morning i had a headache from hell. . . bad stomach felt very sick etc i thought i was coming down with something. . . i honestly thought id have to ring in sick to work but thought i would go to the school first,
well now its lifted, i do feel anxious and tired but i had forgotten how bad mr panic can make you feel.
what i want to say is that no matter how hard panic takes a grip try to remind yourself thats all it is, and although the physical symptoms are real they will left.
a year or so ago i would have stayed off work and given into it but i know i have come too far to go back to that, so its off to work now.
so for anyone who is struggling please hang on in there is does and will get better to cope with,

17-10-08, 13:40
Good for you, I too have had a month from hell but chose to continue going on. Be proud of how well you are doing. Kudos:yesyes:

17-10-08, 14:02
A big well done for carrying on and defo a positive post

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

17-10-08, 14:13
Hey, thanks for posting that - I think it is important for us all to realise that panic attacks can make us feel as if we are literally dying or something so horrendous will happen that we simply won't be able to cope... and yet, here we all are!
O xxx

17-10-08, 15:30
Thats funny, i've never felt the fear that most of people talks about. I only have the fisical symptoms, ok, sometimes i feel depressed but i allways thougth that everyone feel that way in some point in life.
Even when i have those freaking symptoms or feel down and depressed i never call in sick. No, i refuse to let this take over my life. I only went to the doctor because i couldnt sleep and i was very tired.
Im glad that most people here dont let this to take over theirs lives.
Congratulations to all of us.

17-10-08, 17:12
Super post Rach :yesyes:

Piglet :flowers:

17-10-08, 17:34
Good for you, Blue! Thanks for sharing that with us.

/piglet, I love your tag line...so sweet and funny.

18-10-08, 10:28
thank you all. . .
but it is with the help of this site that has helped so much.
it is piglets tag line that i use when the what ifs come in. . . "what if ...., and then i think get a grip rach what if it doesnt".
i think we are all special people as we have to live with this horrid panic/anxiety and still carry on the best we can.
today i feel worn out from everything but i am NOt gonna give in. . . i know it will get better and this is just a blip, it is just lasting a little longer this time.
:hugs: :bighug1: :hugs: to you all.

19-10-08, 12:33
hi i knew to this site its great its good to see how other people cope and get by and some one to talk to who has been there take care guys x

19-10-08, 18:42
Onward and upwards Rach:yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes:

Kaz x x x:hugs: