View Full Version : Worried .... health scare or anxiety?

17-10-08, 19:43
Hi there, not been on for a while as I have generally been OK but the last few days I have been worried something is wrong.

I suffer with acid indigestion anyway but for around 3 days I have had a dull ache (not really a pain) in my central chest and felt a bit muzzy headed (but nothing serious as I have been eating and travelling etc)

To cut a long story short I am obese but I have my BP checked regularly and although it is a little higher than what it should be my doc has not put me on medication as he feels it is not serious enough - readings are usually around 140/90-96ish.

Around 3 months ago I had an ECG which was all clear and blood tests were all OK as well but I keep thinking I am ill as I get tingling in my arms and with the chest problem think I am having a heart attack or one is imminent.

Should I get this checked or am I just stressed/anxious? I keep telling myself that if it was something then after 3 days it would have happened but because I am thinking about it all of the time I am probably making it worse.

I hate feeling like this, I really do.


17-10-08, 19:50
Hi Matt

Hope your Ok love? Right personally reading that i think the symptoms are more than likely related to your weight. have you been checked for Diabetes? As neuropathy can occur with this & is related to obesity induced diabetes. If you are worried though request an ECG & get ya heart checked out. However if you are quite young it is doubtful you have any cardiac etiology. Have you tried any methods to reduce your weight hun? This may cut out any later problems which can occur with obesity. xxxxx

17-10-08, 19:53
Hi thanks for the reply,

I am 18 stone and only 5 foot 7 so well overweight with a family history of diabetes and stroke but my blood tests and ECG from 3 months ago were all clear although they did not check for diabetes but would that cause me to feel like this?

I am sure I am just worrying but I work myself up a lot. I really should try and lose weight but I really do struggle - I also smoke!

18-10-08, 23:09
Hi all, sorry for bumping this up again but I thought I would give an update.

Been out shopping today and still got this dull ache in the centre of my chest that is not going even after taking zantac as I thought it was just bad indigestion. Also felt a bit muzzy headed as well today but the funny thing is I drove my car OK and have eaten properly and been watching TV etc so pretty normal stuff.

I just don't know what this is I have, I feel 'OK' but not 'right' if you know what I mean? I keep making sure my left arm has grip etc as I worry about something serious and it is fine, I am not sweaty or anything so no other symptoms - could it be that because I am thinking about it all too much I am feeling worse?

I also obsess with my BP so have just taken it again and it was 118/86 with a pulse of 93 (pulse is higher than normal because of my weight the doc says but he was not overly worried) and no irregular heartbeat detected on the machine.

I guess I am just over anxious/panicy about it all? I am trying to keep occupied by being on the laptop but wonder if I should get checked out at the GP next week even though a few weeks ago my doc said my bloods, ECG and BP results were generally OK?

What a state I get myself in to

18-10-08, 23:23
Hi Mat, has your doctor suggested a plan for helping you to reduce your weight? The symptoms you are experiencing could be caused or exacerbated by anxiety, and this seems a likely cause as all of your tests have been clear so far. It sounds like you are focusing on your chest and heart because of your worries. Perhaps if you were are able to start losing weight - in a slow, controlled way - then you would feel generally fitter and healthier, and it really would reduce your risk of heart problems later on. I would speak to your doctor about how to do this in a controlled way.

21-10-08, 18:24
Hi all, sorry for bumping this but I am going to the docs (I feel like I live there at the moment!) on Friday.

The chest pain has subsided a bit but the last few days I have felt really nauseous (although I am eating) and really muzzy headed and wobbly when I walk.

I feel a bit sick and light headed now and am probably making it worse by panicing about it but I am going to get checked out.

What do you think it could be?

21-10-08, 18:38
Hi Mat

Im not medically trained at all bit lots of anxiety experience and I think although you should get it checked out I am pretty sure its anxiety as you are worried that your weight is affecting your health so you are then getting the symptoms - maybe you also have a wee virus.

so get a wee routine appointment for your peace of mind but I am sure its amxiety related

22-10-08, 19:37
Hi all

Just back from the docs. BP was a little high but nothing to worry about as I was rushing to get there (126/100) and he thinks it is viral as a lot of funny viruses doing the rounds at the moment - he also attributes it to stress and panic (shock horror!)

He has prescribed me Prochlorperazine for nausea, sickness and dizziness - to be taken once a day until I feel better.
