View Full Version : Sleeping issue---ugh.

17-10-08, 20:44
Had I had this issue any time before my HA, I wouldn't give a squat about it, but this is what anxiety does to us.

The last 4 or 5 nights I have noticed that once I fall asleep (which is a little late as always cuz my mind is so overactive in bed), I sleep for about 3-4 hours straight and then get up. When I get up, it's usually just after a dream. I feel fine...no breathing issue, no headache, no rapid hearbeat, all is well and Im ready to fall back asleep again..and I do. But then an hour or so later I wake up AGAIN! And then fall asleep and after another hour, wake again! UGH.

What is this?? It's not disrupting me throughout the day like I don't feel like I slept badly or anything but it's scary like what is this a sign of? Does it mean that I wake up cuz something is going wrong in my body? my breathing? my heart?

Any help guys?

:shrug: :scared15: :unsure:

18-10-08, 01:49
Hi,don't think you have anything wrong with your body as such,it sounds as though there is something on your mind which is why it cannot switch off when you go to bed.I have had exactly the same thing which is why I am up now at 1.30 in the morning.
I always tend to keep waking up throughout the night if I am feeling stressed or worried so you are not alone my friend.Hope you feel better and try not to worry,I doubt there is anything sinister going on.

18-10-08, 04:11
just because your having sleep issues does not mean there is somthing wrong with your body:roflmao: .. Anxiety can easily cause sleep issues and worrying about sleep will just make it worse. so enjoy the sleep you get and dont worry about it there is nothing wrong. i always toss and turn.. sleeping is honestly hell for me now :scared15: i dont have any weird heart beats or anything like that.. i just simply cant sleep :flowers:

18-10-08, 10:11
lol its been a rough year david alott has happened :winks:

21-10-08, 01:36
Hi hunny :D:hugs:

I know its dame hard for you right now, to not worry about your sleep patten but hun, you must try and stop worrying, there is nothing sinister to your sleep patten, not at all.

You ARE unwell right now with anxiety, this alone can distruped your sleep patten, think of it this way, if you had a family memeber with a very big problem you may worry about them you would even loose sleep over them, BUT, you would say to a friend, "ohhh ??? is having problems right now, I can't sleep with worry" you would give yourself GOOD reason why you can't sleep.

When the family memebers worries are over, your sleep patten goes back to normal.

NOW, hunny, be kind to yourself, you are unwell right now with anxiety, you are bound to be worried about yourself, its only natral, your mind is finding it hard to shut down of a night, your worries about yourself go into your sleep patten, BUT the more we worrie about not sleeping the more we feed the anxiety, the more it happens, so hun, be kind to yourself, give yourself GOOD reason why you can't sleep eg "I am having a rough time at the mo, its ok if I can't sleep, it WILL go back to normal in time" please, give yourself permission to be like this, tell yourself, its ok, the more we fiight something like this the more it stays. BE KIND TO YOURSELF.

I am a good sleeper, in fact, this was part of my problem, I sleepted far to much.

When I was acute, ohh boy, did I sleep.

A couple of years ago I had a major relationship problem it turned my life upside down. My goodness me, my sleep patten went all over the place. For the first time EVER I had problems sleeping, staying asleep, this site has tought me well. I gave myself permission to be like this, when the problem was sloved, Mmm well almost, my sleep patten went back to normal. sleeping on a wahing line LOL

Please hun, don't put to much importance on this, this will feed your anxiety. The only thing its a sign of is, there is something on your mind, that needs to be addressed and your finding it dame hard to shut your mind down and go into the proper sleep mode.

Have you tried relaxation cd's, some of these cds give you tips on how to promote sleep, calm sleep. To shut out the worries of the day.


Wishing you a good nights sleep


21-10-08, 01:50
I used to sleep good and then wake up every hour on the hour. I couldn't take it. Insomnia and I do not get along. So now I take Seroquel and sleep through-out the night. Have you thought about meds?

21-10-08, 05:00
hey yanksforever,
i think u need nothing except multivitamins & excercises. Everything looks fine, stop thinking of ur body uneasyness comming into ur mind..

21-10-08, 16:35
Thanks guys. You're all so awesome. It's been getting better these days, I've eased on worrying about it too much.

Jill thats wonderful advice and I will follow it. Thank you all once again. love this forumm!!!!

23-10-08, 23:45
Hi hun :D:hugs:

Its good to hear your sleep patten has been getting better :yesyes: ohhh WELL DONE :hugs:be proud of yourself.