View Full Version : awful burning sensation

17-10-08, 21:09
i have got myself really worked up i have been getting alot of hearburn lately this morning i woke up with it and all day i have been getting awful burning sensations in my stomach,chest and also in my throat i have been getting throat tighness since july and this burning is making that worse i did a silly thing and googled and alot about ulcers came up and now im in a panic i rang NHS direct up and because they put it down as chest pains they wanted to get an ambulance out but its not pains its burning im so scared it might be an ulcer and it bursts even drinking water makes it worse im really hungry but scared it makes it worse im thinking of going A and E but im worried that it might be just hearburn and would feel silly i suffer from hearburn but not as bad as this please help as im so worried

17-10-08, 21:18
Try some bicarbonate of soda diluted in water it helps to neutralise the acid.

17-10-08, 21:18
Ok to start with big hugs!!!!!!

You are ok.I have these symptoms.I am a size 22(i dont know what size you are),and i get lots of chest pain and yes i've had the burning in the back of my throat,right down into my chest.I was put on some stronger integestion tablets called omeprazole.At first i missed meals and it didnt help the problem.Try drinking a big glass of milk,that helps with me.
When i went to the dr she laid me on the bed and pushed underneath my ribs in the middle and i went urgghhh.She said i had integestion and put me on these tablets.
Try eating less fatty,spicy foods and stick to plain things for a while and see how you go.If it doesnt get any better i would go to the out of hours drs.
Hope you get sorted.:yesyes:

18-10-08, 06:08
Careful with using the milk solution as this in many cases can cause the stomach to produce more acid.

Myself, my two children and my mother all suffer from gastric problems (my mum had a duodenal ulcer) I take Lansoprazole and my daughter a similar type of medication.

The doctor advised me not to have milky foods because of the acid production and when I had laid off my tablets for a couple of days thinking that everything was OK........................:ohmy::weep:

I phoned the surgery as I was in so much pain and I wanted quick advice and I was told bicarbonate of soda.

When I first started nursing patients were put on milky diets but I don't think this is the case any more.

Bland is best speaking from experience.

18-10-08, 09:31
Sounds like GERD/reflux try somg gaviscon liquid or get your Dr to review it for some omeprazole xx

18-10-08, 09:55
I can SO identify with what you're going through, as I've been experiencing exactly the same symptoms and my anxiety has gone through the roof. My doctor assured me it was all due to the stress and anxiety I've suffered from all my life, but I insisted on having some sort of medical test as extra reassurance. I had a Barium Swallow last Monday - which of course only increased my anxiety - and still haven't had any results, which my doctor assures me is a case of 'no news being good news'. Believe me these are classic anxiety symptoms, it's impossible for our stomachs to digest our food properly when our bodies are flooded with adrenaline - which is what constant anxiety does to us. My doctor gave me a drug called Ranitidine, which can also be bought over the counter as Zantac, to limit the amount of acid my stomach makes. But don't take this without talking to your doctor first. I recommend small amounts of food every couple of hours or so to stop the acid building up - even the tabs my doctor prescribed didn't completely stop the build up of acid and I still got some reflux - like a burning hot tennis ball stuck in my gullet. But since I've started eating little and often I've felt better. Do go to your doctor, they will be able to offer some help and reassurance. I wish you all the best - another Helen.

18-10-08, 22:12
thank you for your replies i am still getting the awful burning and to top it all off my ectopic beats are back now just cant win