View Full Version : Mucus sorry a bit disgusting

17-10-08, 22:35
Does anyone ever get mucus coming from the nose but seems to just hang at the back of the throat? Sorry I know this is a bit urgghh but i've had this now for about 4/5 months. First started after i had a cold which turned into chest infection, few weeks after cold had gone i was still coughing up phelgm (not sure if i spelt that right lol). Well being a smoker I straight away thought the worst but the doctor said I had build up of mucus in nose which is dripping down throat to chest. Ok made sense so he put me on beconase spray which seemed to work. Anyways had another cold and back to the same thing again. I could go back to doctors but I've been told that beconase is a steriod spray, so would really like to avoid it.
Just wondered if anyone else had this and what they did to get rid of it.


17-10-08, 22:39
hiya i know u can get medicine to take for like cattarh build up, have a word in the chemist, i get that for ages after a cold and i know its not nice.

17-10-08, 23:34
Did you doctor mention any reason why he thought you're getting this build-up? Can be caused by allergy, viral or bacterial infection among other things. To stop it dripping down your throat (post nasal drip), you need to get it to come out the other way, or decongest it away. I had stuffed up sinuses for ages because of a sinus infection and it all wanted to go down my throat, not out of my nose. Breathing in steam can get it moving, as can herbal inhalants like Olbas. Saline nasal drops can help too. You can use oral decongestants from the chemist but personally I don't take them, they make me feel jittery (and I'm jittery enough! :)). Smoking probably does make it worse. I especially recommend the steam because it's very soothing too. Good luck, let us know how you get on.

17-10-08, 23:40
Yes Ive had that too. its called "post nasal drip" really horrible and also embarrassing, I went for a test at the hospital on my legs, and when i lay down it started to run down the back of my throat UH!!!!

PS i smoke also------------

18-10-08, 09:02
Hi Tracey.
I've got a cold at the moment and lots of mucous, but although this isn't a very nice way to deal with the mucous, it works for me. It's called saline rinse and what you do is put a teaspoon of salt into a jug or basin, boil water in a kettle and put a little boiling water in the jug and then top up with cold water until it is cool. Scoop the salt water in your hand and sniff it up your nose and it will come back down your nose or down the back of your throat and just spit it out. I do this about 6 times. Also I gargle with salt water and this loosens the phegm. Not everyone can do the above, but its worth a try. Salt rinses are very good for sinuses and sore throats. Best of luck.
Ddcoo x

18-10-08, 09:10
Hi Tracy,

I have had this on and off for years after a cold. Especially in the mornings. Makes me want to be sick sometimes. I also put it down to smoking while having a cold. I found it cleared up on its own in the end or I used that Vicks nasal spray thing at night before bed- can't remember what it is called :blush:

If I don't sleep with a window wide open when the heating is on I get it as well. I wake up and can hardly breathe sometimes.

18-10-08, 10:16
Tracy like Ddcoo I also do a sinus wash everyday (only started a few weeks ago) because I have post nasal drip too.

I've been doing yoga for about 5 years now and weirdly came across this practice connected with that. On a yoga site I use I saw these funny looking watering jugs called Neti pots and wondered what the hell they were, so looked it up.

Anyway to cut along story short I actually don't use the neti pot I use something called Sinucleanse which is a much easier method - have a look on this site www.shopholistic.co.uk (http://www.shopholistic.co.uk) which will lead you to their sister site totally dedicated to nasal washing, with pictures and common questions etc.

When I first started doing it I was scared stiff but now I love it because it's really helping. It felt abit like when we were kids and went swimming and the water went up your nose on my first few attempts, but now I'm getting really good at it.

Love Piglet :flowers:

18-10-08, 15:00
Piglet, I was very interested to know that there was a site for nasal cleansing, thanks for letting us know, I will get onto the site as I am sure it will be easier than the way I am doing it. I'm never too old to learn!!

18-10-08, 18:03
You're welcome hun - it seems a funny thing to do doesn't it but apparantly its an age old practice in other parts of the world.

Piglet :flowers:

20-10-08, 22:25
Have had this on and off for 3 years.This weekend i bought a Neilmed nasal rinse.(£14.40 in Boots)Tried it 3times and not done anything for me yet but its early days.Here is an interesting link on the subject..www.thriftyfun.com/tf379313.tip.html (http://www.thriftyfun.com/tf379313.tip.html)

20-10-08, 22:34
Hi Tracy I get the same thing as you everytime I get a cold. You should do what leebee suggested (steam inhalation) and add some menthol crystals to the water. You should also sleep propped up on some cushions. Also drink echinacea tea or take echinacea capsules they are really good.

20-10-08, 23:02
Thanks for the replies, am definately gonna have to try something because still getting it. Makes me gag sometimes :ohmy:.
