View Full Version : Driving

18-10-08, 00:15
Hi Everyone, i have a journey to make tomorrow that i have struggled with in the past. It involves driving a short distance over a suspension bridge -the bridge is prob only a mile, if that, long. Prior to approaching the bridge i have to drive about 20 miles of motorway traffic. I have been driving for the most part competently for 18 years, however the approach to the bridge is always in my mind and i find that some 2 or 3 miles before the approach i begin to struggle. The pace of traffic on the motorway makes me nervous and by the time i hit the bridge i am often in pretty much full panic mode and could quite happily shut my eyes and hope for the best.

any tips to make this a less stressful journey...? I should add that nothing has happened to me on the bridge or approach, so there are no association feelings that i am aware of.

any coping tips would be welcome.

18-10-08, 01:15
take a tape/CD of relaxing music to play

Granny Primark
18-10-08, 10:08
This happens to me all the time.
Ive got a big fear of going over the bridge on the motorway at Warrington. I think its called Thellwall via duct.
I wont drive over it myself but even if im in the car and me hubbys driving im sticken with fear.
Put some music on that you can sing along with is my tip.

18-10-08, 12:12

My fear is the exact opposite I cannot drive through a tunnel. When we go to bluewater shopping centre on the M25 there is a tunnel My daughter has to drive and just put my head in my lap and close my eyes and have to deep breath and yes panic. Not that you can do that lol. It is the fact that we are in a confined space.

Try and deep breath and say a mantra like maybe - it will be okay I will off the bridge soon or something else. Also like everyone else try and put some good music on.

I drive with my ipod on although my son who is a policeman tells me that it is against the law as I am not aware of my surrounding when I am driving.

Best of luck


18-10-08, 23:08
thanks everyone - my sis in law took the trip with me so i had her to chat to and the journey was nowhere near as bad as it has been on previous days. Panicked a bit on the approach as there were big motorway signs saying, caution high winds, so that freaked me a bit but it was ok, the bridge is only a mile or so long (forth road bridge from edinburgh to fife) Coming home was a bit lairy as the weather had worsened and the winds had gotten stronger and the traffic was heavier but i managed ok so am quite proud of myself tonight. Having had a positive experience today i am more geared up for doing the journey alone next time and will take the advice offered of using music to relax.

Thanks again.

Veronica H
19-10-08, 09:23
:yesyes: well done. I have a problem with the car at the moment in that I am unable to persuade myself to drive it at all. I am sure it will get easier for you next time as you made yourself do it.
