View Full Version : Constant racing heart and weird feeling

18-10-08, 10:57
Was just wondering if anyone else has a constant pounding heart, especially when out. I was out all day yesterday, for 6 hours and my heart didn't slow down at all while I was out. Does it damage your health if your heart is constantly pounding? It even beats fast when I'm at home relaxed sometimes.

Also, I keep getting this feeling, it's hard to explain. It suddenly comes over me and goes quickly, but it's like suddenly everything is bad and scary, like what I'm doing is scary. It happens mostly before I go to bed, when I'm getting ready or brushing my teeth., so maybe it's cos I'm tired? :shrug:

Take care everyone

18-10-08, 11:03
It is just anxiety Amy, thats what it does to us! Also, you say you notice your heartbeat faster when you are resting, thats because you are more aware of it. Have you had any check ups from doc or anything like that? If they say everything is ok, then believe them. I had a hard time of doing that, but I got there in end. If you have never had any medical advice, my advice would be see your GP first. Best of luck. xxx

18-10-08, 11:21
Hi Amy,

Mine is just the same, I have constant Anxiety right now.

As hard as it can be to believe, it causes no damage to our health or hearts. If you have always been physically well/no prob's with organs as such, then there is no need to worry as it actually strengthens our hearts, absolutely nothing to be concerned about.

My heart races when I'm resting too, it's also been constant lately for some time now.

Try to keep yourself busy in a safe environment for youself to help take your mind of it.

Hope you feel better soon. x

19-10-08, 13:32
Thanks for the replies, they really help.
I actually get more worried now when my heart beats slow or at a normal rate because i think it's so much slower than it usually beats :doh:
The doctor has just said I have anxiety but i've only been twice since i had anxiety cos I hate going. I believe it is anxiety though, it just scares me, especially when it makes me feel dizzy because of it :weep:. I have work experience next week and i don't want my anxiety to take over.
Take care