View Full Version : Cathy V

Pink Panic
18-10-08, 13:53
Where has Cathy V gone? I miss her replies and quick wit.

18-10-08, 14:22
So do I Pink - I hope she wasn't upset by something or someone on here.


18-10-08, 14:22
Her name has disappeared from the members list

18-10-08, 14:29
Oh does that mean she's left us -:ohmy:
Surely not - I'm sure she would have left a goodbye message.
Does any Admin. or Mod. know anything about her ?


18-10-08, 14:30
shes been banned for a bit

18-10-08, 14:32
WOT !!!!!!
WHY ??????


18-10-08, 14:33
not sure........hang on a sec

18-10-08, 14:39
all the threads asking where she was have now been deleted i think, so only admin will know why

di xx

18-10-08, 14:40
Seems all very strange and cloak & dagger doesn't it .


18-10-08, 16:20
Im abit worried about posting this, but 3 of my threads got locked as i was enquiring about Cathy V. You can view them on the announcements thread still.


18-10-08, 16:25
Actually, i have just looked to see if you can still view the threads that I opened about why Cathy V was banned. Unfortunately not only were they locked, but you cant see what was written either. Anyway she was banned for a week so should be back soon, that IF she wants to come back after all this.

Lilibet x

18-10-08, 16:29
hiya she been banned till wednesday i think, todo with a dispute on a thread. i miss her too cos she lovely, but she b back soon im sure

18-10-08, 16:30
I think she as only got a 1 week ban. All the threads have been cancelled cos someone was opposing the admins decision to ban her. The admins said the matter was closed. I can't imagine that Cathy as been permanantly banned. She speaks her mind and can be too honest at times but she isnt malicious. I'm sure she will be back soon!

18-10-08, 16:32
hi pink, no she does speak her mind and was trying to protect a thread that was doing well, but unfortunately it all got abit out of hand. she great though luv cathy xx

18-10-08, 16:47
Well I questioned the ban but i wasnt opposing it at all. I just felt that Cathy and Sheena had a debate and Sheena wasnt banned whereas Cathy was. The admins didnt like me discussing this so they closed my threads and i received some far from nice replies.

I have had to think what i should do about this as i have had pm's agreeing with what i said but then it feels like you cant be honest as if you say something that the "management" dont like you either have threads closed or bans. To be honest im a mature woman who appreciates authority but I get rather cross when people who have some "authority" get carried away with it. I know im not the only one to feel like this.

I feel that I may leave this forum but there are people that I like here, however, at the moment i need less stress not more. I guess my problem is that i hate injustice. ALWAYS HAVE ALWAYS WILL DO!

Anyway, I have said more than enough about this so i'll leave it now.

Love Lilibet

18-10-08, 16:58
Hmm strange , I don't think your post would be deleted if Cath has left the forum. Seems like something rather childish might be going on in the background.


milly jones
18-10-08, 17:05
i miss cathy as shes been a big boost to me recently

please can cathy be allowed back onto nmp

she does speak her mind but is never nasty and i always know i can rely on her for valued support

milly xxxxxxxxxx

18-10-08, 17:07
I totally agree with you Milly, sometimes people think that someone is being nasty, but Cathy never is. I hope she will come back soon and give out some more great advice.

Lilibet xx x x

18-10-08, 17:10
hi all i agree and cathy is a good mate of mine too, she has been banned for a week and i am hoping she will come back. sometimes she is misunderstood, she isnt nasty, she is very loyal to people she cares about and has a lot of friends on here.

18-10-08, 17:22
I've just read the posts previous to my last one and I am extremely upset to hear that the admins have decided to take such childish actions just because one person has been upset.
Cath has certainly helped more people than she has upset on this forum and this should have been taken into account when making any decisions that have quite clearly upset the whole forum.
By the pure nature of our illness we can all be a bit outspoken,intolerant and tetchy at times and it can also be a side effect of our medications,but to be sent out of the room to sit on the stairs seems a rather Dickinsion way to police the forum.


18-10-08, 17:35
Dear Decca

I can't agree with you more. I'm sure that admin's do sometimes have to attend to certain things, but this to me just makes me think of supernanny it seems to me that Cathy has been put on the naughty step for a week. For heavens sake we are adults who needn't be treated in this way. Sheena as far as im concerned was certainly able to stick up for herself and managed a few low punches of her own.If Cathy had been in a conversation with a person who couldnt stand up for themselves then it would have been different. However, if I keep on talking about this then im sure i'll be on the naughty step too!!!!!

Love lilibet x

milly jones
18-10-08, 17:37
cathy took time to meet with orion and i in llandudno when she was recently over here on holiday

i was really grateful for the contact and we developed a nmp bond as do all the nmpers who meet up

may i just say that as i have met cathy the person shes a delight

yes she says a spades a spade, but shes a scouser, like me, and is a most patient and understanding member too.

i was late to the meet and was in a panic and cathys warmth made me feel immediately at ease and we sat for a couple of hours in a coffee shop just nattering as if wed known each other for years

im sorry if there was any upset involved, but im very sure non was intended

milly xxxxx

18-10-08, 17:40

Im pleased to hear that youve met Cathy. She is a nice person. Can you get in touch with her to make sure shes ok?

Love lilibet

18-10-08, 17:43
Cathy will be back on Wednesday just so everyone knows she isn't gone for good.

I know that this upsets some people but using the term 'childish' is hurtful!
I wonder if you all realize that the admins on this site are volunteers who spend their free time on the site to give back because we appreciate it so much!!!
We are all members who also have anxiety issues just like you and every last person reading this would be offended if I came on here and called you names or spoke as if you were power hungry people!

We don't enjoy having to take any kind of action against any member but if we don't then you have fighting on threads, abuse in chat, it wouldn't be a very supportive place!


18-10-08, 17:48
hiya i am intouch with cathy too and she is ok but a little upset. i have let her know how much support she is getting and she is over the moon.

cathy has supported me loads and is a very genuine person like milly says, she also thinks a lot of nmp and trys to protect the forum like alot of us do, cos we all care so much about it.

i was upset that she got blamed for the trouble on the thread cos there was alot said, but i understand admins to have a job to do which is important to keeping the forum in order.

i do worry though about some people who rely solely on this site being banned and having no support at all, if this is your life line and its taken away, it could cause more problems for them.

i hope admins dont mind me pointing that out, its just my thoughts. anyway wots happend has happend and we have to move forward now and wed is not far away and hopefully i will b dragging her back

18-10-08, 17:51
Anyone who is banned can still get on the site as a guest and view posts. They just can't post or reply themselves.
I definitely don't mind you pointing it out Donna.
It makes me terribly sad because I know that anyone who is here needs the support of the site.
I wish there was another way to fix things but there just isn't.
When the rules are broken it has to be addressed and handled or the site would be chaos.
I do see why you are upset and so am I.
I just wish that everyone could understand that we don't ban people out of spite or an exaggerated sense of power. It's something we have to do to keep the site supportive and problem free.

18-10-08, 17:58
Dear Eeyorelover

Firstly, and most importantly I have to say that I for one really appreciate everything that the admins do. If it wasnt for people doing it then we wouldnt have NMP!!!!

Thanks for replying, and i would really like to ask you in a very calm and resonable manner a question if I may?

The reason I am upset that Cathy was banned is because Sheena was giving as good as she got if not more, and I found that upsetting yet she wasnt banned. I thought that as this is an open forum i would be able to raise this with the admins, however I felt that I was shouted down and it hurt that my threads were closed, as I said before and will repeat it now, I NEVER EVER EVER GET INVOLVED IN ARGUMENTS ON NMP AND IGNORE ANY BACKBITING THAT I COME ACROSS, HOWEVER, THIS DID STRIKE A CORD IN MY HEART BECAUSE I HATE INJUSTICE.

I received as far as im concerned some rather nasty posts and i didnt and still dont feel that i deserved that.

Please can we deal with this as adults and refrain from closing threads etc as this situation has obviously caused concern for a lot of members.


Love lilibet

18-10-08, 18:02
I didn't call anyone childish - I said the action was childish.
can't you see that this has made everyone afraid to speak their mind,what happened to freedom of speech ?
We are all volunteers here to help our fellow sufferers,I'm sorry but if you take on a role you take the rough with the smooth.
Seeing all the controversy and upset this has caused, it would be nice if an admin would be courteous enough to explain what sin Cath had transgressed and why such a harsh penalty had to be administered.
I'm sure I speak for other posters on this thread.

18-10-08, 18:08
I wish we could speak about it like adults but here's the problem and I'm going to lay it out for you in black and white.
We are not supposed to talk to anyone but the member that is involved when action has to be taken.
That is the first problem.
So you can come to us and ask us all you want about what happened and even tho we would love to tell you what the problem was, privacy is an issue we take very seriously.

I will admit that my reply to you in the PM probably didn't sound very professional and for that I apologize but please understand that I was on here 7 hours straight 2 days in a row dealing with the fall out from the incident that happened and not only did it cause me to have a HORRIBLE panic attack in the middle of the night but it really upset me because admins aren't treated like we are regular members.
We are talked about like we are power hungry and like we don't understand or care and we honestly do!!!
The reason the threads were closed and ultimately deleted was because of two things. First like I stated before the privacy issue and second because we are an accredited site and threads like that make us look really foolish like we are having arguments back and forth.
The bottom line is we saw a situation that needed to be addressed. We voted and it was unanimous to enforce a 7 day ban.
We can't and won't go back on our decision and Cathy will be back on Wednesday.
As far as any action we took against any other member. I can not comment except to say that we addressed each issue individually with each member whom we felt was out of line.

18-10-08, 18:08
Hi all

I am sorry if some members are upset that Cathy has been banned for 7 days, but please just let me point a few things out.

We as Admin also have to comply with forum rules. This member has had a substantial amounts of warning meaning we HAD to act.

Admin spend not minutes but hours each day behind the sceens making sure the site runs as smoothly as possible.

We are also sufferers with families and lives of our own too and we do this job because we care, it has nothing to do with power issues.

This is an NHS accredited site and therefor we HAVE to have rules in place.

Lastly, yes it does upset us when we are being called names on the public forum because we do put alot of work into NMP.


18-10-08, 18:09
Yes Decca

You speak for me too. I agree it has made me frightened to say what i want now, infact, im expecting to have a consequence for even mentioning this again.

Thanks for your support.

Love lilibet x

18-10-08, 18:12
i think we all have said enough, as much a i luv and miss cathy, at the end of the day the admins have a job to do and have to do it.

they are people the same as us and have there own issues and problems and as well as dealing with that they are helping run this site and we have to respect that.

i know everyone on here loves nmp and have made lots of friends and wants to protect them which is great cos i have too, but we have to draw the line i think now.

we all now know how different people feel about this and thats good and cathy has huge support but i think the thread will get out of hand again if it continues, luvs u all xxxxxxx

18-10-08, 18:14
You know what saddens me so much is that I am really ill in hospital and not on NMP so much as I was before and threads like this are still going on. I have realised over the past month of being in hospital that life is too short for petty squabbles and sarcastic comments like we keep getting on threads like this. :lac:

The admins are doing a fantastic job of looking after things on here and people do not know the whole story behind Cathy's ban so I suggest you talk to her about it and previous warnings she has been given and stop posting on here trying to make us to be in the wrong and hard done by.

If you don't like the rules then please feel free to move on to another site - no-one is forcing you to stay here.

Sorry to be harsh but I came on tonight to catch up with some PM's etc and read yet another thread like this and more moaning.

Please can we stop it now and accept that a decision was made and we had our reasons.


18-10-08, 18:17
I don't know what the reason is for Cathy's ban, but I'd like to stick up for the admins because I trust them when they say they didn't take their decision lightly.

There are things that are as important as speaking your mind, like showing respect and consideration for other people, and there are plenty of unmoderated sites out there for people who find any kind of self-restraint impossible.

18-10-08, 18:19
well said franz

18-10-08, 18:26

You pm'd me earlier and I showed you respect and consideration by replying and saying that i appreciated your opinion so i find it hurtful that you say I should go to a site that isnt moderated so that i can speak my mind. Saying that i find self-restraint impossible is a cheek. All you have managed to do is light the flames once again.

18-10-08, 18:27
I actually think that everybody should respect nic's decision to stop this now, the woman is in hospital and ill

18-10-08, 18:29
Of course any matters between admins and members should be confidential .
But deleting all the public threads and hiding the trail is a childish action.
I understand that we may have lost a valuable member because of this which leads me to consider whether this forum is any longer for me.
I'm sure we have all suffered some embarrasment and upset by remarks made to our posts but we deal with them in an adult way.
There is always at least two parties in an argument but it seems that only one member has been punished - I to can't stand injustice.
I've had my say and stand by what I've said. I will now draw a line under it and hope that everyone else will do the same in order to return the forum to the happy safe place we all once loved.


18-10-08, 18:29
All I can say is that I'm so sad and hurt.
I won't be replying anymore and I'm going to log off for the rest of the day!
It's just too much!

18-10-08, 18:32
I hope you recover soon Nicola, but i feel that your reply...

If you dont like the rules then move on.........

disappointing. Lots of members here are upset and yet all that we have had from admins is:

1) if you dont like the rules move

2) thread closure

3) Nasty pm's

I for one expected more.

A very disappointed Lilibet ....................

18-10-08, 18:33
oh for gods sake

nic close the thread

18-10-08, 18:38
You know what - I am with you Sandy

I am not bothering either.

18-10-08, 18:44
I was reprimanded by the admins and told to not post on Wayne's thread ( which I did) anymore. I took this for what is was and from then on I stopped any comments that might have been upsetting to any members of NMP. I apologiseto any memebers that I might have upset. I was quite upset that Cathy was banned but I did not realise until this thread that she had had repeated reprimands.

Like the admins said they did not just decide to take the action they took they spent hours becfore they came to the decission they came to.

I realise now that I was very confortational, at times, and as Nic said this is an accredited site that health professionals tell their patients to have a look around the forum.

Sheena:grouphug: :grouphug:

18-10-08, 18:51
"oh for gods sake "

I find that offensive.


18-10-08, 18:54
Just go with the flow:yesyes:


18-10-08, 18:59
hiya guys

can i just ask here what is the big deal with all this
admin made a decision on cathy and that's that they don't go about picking on people just for fun she did wrong and kept on doing wrong from what i can tell and so this is what has happend as a result .
what good is this thread going to do (nothing ) coz it is just people getting cross and not knowing all that cathy has done anyway as admin dont give out that info .
nic has been so ill and yet still comes online to do her bit i mean none of us would even have this site if not for her so why not leave things for now and see what happens.
and in the mean time she can get better and admin can deal with things to keep the site going
jodie xxx:hugs:

Pink Panic
18-10-08, 19:08
Gosh .... I wish i hadn't asked now!!! :ohmy:

18-10-08, 19:16
LOL Pink

I wasnt going to reply, but it really upsets me when i read posts that upset the Admin. I think they have dealt with matters marvelously while Nic as been in hospital. I have been a admin myself and believe me its not a easy job to do!

Please respect thier decisions and stop all this nonsence !

love from a not so happy


Pink Panic
18-10-08, 19:22
Hi Andrea,

Don't be sad mate. :hugs:
Have a hug from me.


18-10-08, 19:24
:hugs: :hugs: One for you too mate!

And one for everyone else:hugs:

18-10-08, 19:24
:hugs: to all, lets leave it now xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

18-10-08, 19:25
I've just read the posts previous to my last one and I am extremely upset to hear that the admins have decided to take such childish actions just because one person has been upset.

For a start that is a disgraceful insult to the admins on NMP. They do a great job and to call their actions childing is bang out of order.

I really fail to see how you can comment on a situation when you are not in possesion of all the facts.

Cath has certainly helped more people than she has upset on this forum and this should have been taken into account when making any decisions that have quite clearly upset the whole forum.

I am sure that is the case, as a lot of other people help. However that does not mean people are treated any differently. The rules are there for a reason.

None of the admins will discuss the reason she was given the weeks ban as this would violate the privary policy. if you want details I suggest you ask Cathy.



18-10-08, 19:25
You missed a friend and were right to ask about her unexplained absence.

In case you missed the point it's about the fact that a much loved members name had been deleted along with all relevant threads.We missed Cath and could not find out if she had left the forum or what.

I'm sooo very sorry that you have been dragged into this,I know only to well that life is to short to worry about things like this so please please forget this website for a while, leave it to your deputies and concentate on getting well again, we are all indebted to you for providing this forum for us but we would all rather see you well again.


18-10-08, 19:32
Well Im shocked .......thought this was al over as i feel it shoud be .
There are a lot of people who miss Cathy and want her back I do .....but We have no idea what goes on behind the scenes and what Pms are sent etc..and I think the admins are getting a bit of a rough time .
They do a fantastic job on here more than anyof us prob know ,I also had a PM off them about thread but they have a job 2 do and a forum 2 keep under control so I understand .

Cathy has so many friends and such big support that Im sure she doesnt want us arguing over this and will want 2 cum bak 2 big hugs not posts still talking about it x

Lets all just leave it know and get ready for the return of Cathy on Wednesday .yay ..xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Miss u Cathy seen u on here Wed hope you got some gud recipes hun Im starving lol xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

18-10-08, 19:33
Thank you Andrea, Franz,Diane, Jodie, and everyone else who has left supportive comments!
They are greatly appreciated.

18-10-08, 19:59
i luv nmp and dont want to see anyone upset, admins have a difficult job and work hard, i hate seeing people upset. lets all move on and help each other.

milly jones
18-10-08, 20:14
here here donna

lifes too short folks

big hugs all round

milly xxxx

18-10-08, 20:32
Woa !! :ohmy: I've just come back from a long day out with some mates, my bf and the kiddies, kind of like one those all day party thingys. Had afew drinks too, but hey,.. I think I maybe able to write something reasonably ok lol !??

I thought the decision was the right decision, find it odd that others, no matter how close, find it strange that it was the wrong thing to do.

I mean come on,.... Did you guys read the concerned threads properly ? Give the Admins a break !!

I have nothing against Cathy, but I will be honest,.. I thought she was out of order at the end of those threads. I never hold grudges though, whether it was my business or not.

For those saying that they feel they no longer have a say here,... Why ? :shrug:I feel everyone here should have their own right to speak their own mind, it's just a matter of
being reasonable.

I think Admin have been very reasonable with this particular decision, I honestly feel that those carrying on with the hassle aren't.

Just my thoughts.

Anyhow,.. am gonna carry on enjoying the night here.

Jeezzz,.. wish I hadn't have read this now. Bloody depressing for a Saturday night !

18-10-08, 20:36
situation nothing to do with me, but I agree with Katie above. Think it's well said & I completley agree. Maybe would should all have a few drinks first before posting like Katie!!!! hehehe. xxxxxxx

18-10-08, 20:59
I never got so many supporters when I was banned lol

I was attacked by Cathy in PM for just answering a thread, so I can imagine why she was banned, too much to say.

Just take the 7 days on the chin ffs there is more important things in life

18-10-08, 21:51
Ok everyone

1) The people who were posting that they were upset with the decision have stopped posting.

2) The admins have said they're not going to post on the subject anymore.

3) Nic herself has said she is not bothering with it anymore. SO PLEASE

can everyone else leave it alone now, otherwise, it sets the whole subject off again. We are all looking forward to Cathy coming back on Wednesday, if she chooses too.


18-10-08, 21:53
4) More inportant things in life ;)

18-10-08, 21:57
5) family fortunes is on so quiet please hehe

18-10-08, 21:58
lmao off donna. hahahaha. xx

18-10-08, 22:00
Not sure what that is but it sounds really important!

18-10-08, 22:02
haha well its a game show before x factor is back on, my sat night excitement tele, bickies, cuppa and laptop.

18-10-08, 22:04
Lol and Im drinking my wine in peace waiting for xfactor results ....drum roll..who will go ..........x

hugs cathy spk soon hun x:hugs:

18-10-08, 22:06
u know this thread has turned itself around and is now just banter, hooray im soooo pleased, thankgod for family fortunes and jaco hehe

18-10-08, 22:07
So it's on during commercial breaks??
Don't know anything about x factor either cept it's like the America's Got Talent thing over here and I just never got into that show.
But if you like it then have your cup and have fun :)

18-10-08, 22:10
well x factor is on for 90mins singing show with simon cowel, then after family fortunes in on for half hour or so, then after that x factor results are on.

god arent i just so sad haha

18-10-08, 22:13
sandy ......did u watch fantasia on americas show ..........its like that but no 1 as gud as fantasia xxxxx

18-10-08, 22:13
So it's on twice tonite?
Dang they reach a decision FAST!!!

Hey I absolutely LOVE a few TV shows over here!!
Sons Of Anarchy

Never miss them!

18-10-08, 22:14
yes and every saturday 1 goes, and final is on at xmas

18-10-08, 22:15
OHHHHHHHHH it's like American Idol!!!!
But still
super fast results!
We have to wait for like 3 days here.
And I can't bear to watch the auditions!
It hurts me physically to see some of the people who try out!!!

18-10-08, 22:15
yeah i luv american idol too

18-10-08, 22:18
Yeah m8 like american Idol ...Leona Lewis was last years winner x

we have an hour 2 vote ..xxxx

18-10-08, 22:18
My daughter watches it and I do every once in a while.
It's almost like driving by a wreck - so gruesome that you want to turn away......but can't!!!

18-10-08, 22:26
see after watchin people like fantasia im always waiting for sum 1 as gud on x factor but neva seem 2 get any1 ................looks like Im gna have 2 go on and do it 4 britain and becum a star ...wonder if jaco wud be my backing singer haha x

18-10-08, 22:28
Well you could ask him!!
He could put on his gold shiny suit and do your doo wop back up vocals :)

18-10-08, 23:00
LOL............picturing Jaco in gold shiny suit has made my nyt haha x


18-10-08, 23:03
haha with abit of hairy chest poking through and his big gold chain round his neck

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
18-10-08, 23:07
Right decision on x factor, Purple Rain, brill performance. Loved it :)


18-10-08, 23:09
hi wayne, wasnt it just brilliant, i luv that song and i luv prince

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
18-10-08, 23:10
Yeah was great, the Boy band JLS, they are fab too, potential winner.

pink daisy
18-10-08, 23:19
lmao Just read this thread!! glad its all sorted now!! I felt like i was at school at first but glad everyone has moved on ((hugss)) We can be a great comunity here!!

Kate xx

ps jaco lol x

18-10-08, 23:22
hey things move quick here, we are now onto jaco in his gold suit and his hairy chest lol

18-10-08, 23:22
Jaco! Gold shiney suit??? .....Ok i need therapy NOW! :wacko:


pink daisy
18-10-08, 23:23
Well I really tried not to imagine that one Donna ;-) lol

18-10-08, 23:25
Jaco and silver shiney suit brings the NUT cracker suite to mind for some reason. God i need to get a life lmao!


pink daisy
18-10-08, 23:27
I really think PINK would be more his colour!! But whos going to be his groupies?? lol

18-10-08, 23:27
lmao nutcracker, we are all so really sad hehe xxx

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
18-10-08, 23:29
hey things move quick here, we are now onto jaco in his gold suit and his hairy chest lol

Ok, poll, is hairy chest good or bad, after a few answers I will reveal if I have one or not! LOL


18-10-08, 23:30
I am soooo gonna see me doc on Monday! need a check up from the neck up! Jaco in pink? oh i so can't handle this thought! someone cover my eyes PLEASE!


pink daisy
18-10-08, 23:31
Oh dear wayne lol It really aint a good look hun ;-) Ask lisa she had to get hers waxed !!

Aww actually i take that back lisa xxx that wsas mean mwah

18-10-08, 23:31
erm bad, alittle is not too bad, but warewolf NO

my question is, is jaco a warewolf?, cos if he gonna be waring a gold suit then we gonna need to club together and buy him some wax strips pmsl

18-10-08, 23:32

You pm'd me earlier and I showed you respect and consideration by replying and saying that i appreciated your opinion so i find it hurtful that you say I should go to a site that isnt moderated so that i can speak my mind. Saying that i find self-restraint impossible is a cheek. All you have managed to do is light the flames once again.
Lillibet, I know this is supposed to be finished with but just for the record I wasn't accusing you of anything. I was talking about self-restraint in general: you seemed to be defending Cathy's right to say whatever she likes regardless of whether it offends anyone, and without even knowing what she said in this case.

I have myself been told off on forums (not this one) for being too forthright, and although I wasn't too chuffed about it, I do acknowledge that my temper gets the better of me sometimes and that if I offend people I have to pay the price.

pink daisy
18-10-08, 23:32
oooh Id be up for pulling them off!!! yea that would be great...

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
18-10-08, 23:33
Oh dear wayne lol It really aint a good look hun ;-) Ask lisa she had to get hers waxed !!

Aww actually i take that back lisa xxx that wsas mean mwah

PMSL thats quite distrurbing! :roflmao:

pink daisy
18-10-08, 23:34
oooh the thread moves on to next page lol

18-10-08, 23:34
lmao, hands up who wants to wax jaco, we will tell him later wot our plans are for him hehe

pink daisy
18-10-08, 23:35
yeah.. lol so what end r u at donna?? head or??

pink daisy
18-10-08, 23:36
blimey this is better than bingo!! lol

18-10-08, 23:37
Waxing Jaco defo leads me to therapy! I'd rather eat me own toe nails! :winks:....Erm, on second thoughts, where is that wax gal?


18-10-08, 23:37
:whiplash: woohoo :roflmao: actually like wayne i am now abit disturbed and i think pink u would do a much better all over wax than me :D

18-10-08, 23:37
Ohhh wax Jaco :ohmy: Ive got my hot candles at the :emot-woot: ready !!


18-10-08, 23:39
poor jaco isnt even around to defend himself against all us evil women lol

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
18-10-08, 23:39
Not quite sure where this thread is leading, but watching with interest!:yesyes:

18-10-08, 23:39
Eww donna,

who wants to wax jaco.

erm not me lol, he'll be covered in slimy butch man oil lol.
i've seen him in the tesco's queue with it on.
Razor blade will slide down his legs love

di xx

18-10-08, 23:40
watch it wayne u wil b next lmao

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
18-10-08, 23:41
When the hell do I stop being a junior member? LOL been posting sinse May and still a boy! :D

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
18-10-08, 23:42
When the hell do I stop being a junior member? LOL been posting sinse May and still a boy! :D

OMG when I posted that it changed! PMSL !!!!

18-10-08, 23:43
hahaha that was funny

pink daisy
18-10-08, 23:44
For those who dont know what jaco looks like on a good day!! http://blog.pennlive.com/thrive/2008/01/bigfootblog.jpg

18-10-08, 23:45
lmfao oh mate thats hillarious, we need quite a few wax strips then

pink daisy
18-10-08, 23:45
Get your WAX strips gals!!! ;-)

18-10-08, 23:45
OMG sandy,

that is the real jaco...............scary

18-10-08, 23:47
oh pink,

call for help hun, it will take 20 of us to wax him lol

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
18-10-08, 23:47
OMG, that so looks like me!

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
18-10-08, 23:48
the screen has gone mental, that pic is huge! LOL

18-10-08, 23:48
oh my god wayne, u r not really wayne u are kong lol

18-10-08, 23:49

talk about attention seeking.
This wasn't even your thread mate,
always taking over nmp lol

18-10-08, 23:49
I have the pic of Jaco that I did on paint but can't get it to attach!!!

18-10-08, 23:49
my screen gone mad omg,

18-10-08, 23:52
I could do with some fur like that! im bloody freezing sat here!! when ya wax jaco please save the fur i will make a hat and scarf:winks:


Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
18-10-08, 23:52
Well I am a very hairy man, Katie will be comforted by the fact that no females like hairy men on here! LOL

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
18-10-08, 23:54
Well I am a very hairy man, Katie will be comforted by the fact that no females like hairy men on here! LOL

But I must clarify, I aint got a hairy back! yuk!

18-10-08, 23:54
pmsl i hate hairy backs

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
18-10-08, 23:56
Took me a long time to grow my hairy chest, when I was a teenager I used to get the mickey taken out of me, called it a birds nest! LOL

18-10-08, 23:56
Ok I think I got it!!!!
This isn't real great cuz I don't know how to do the paint thing very well but...........


18-10-08, 23:57
I don't mind doing the back or under arms, but may draw the line at the gentleman garden as i am sure i would go blind! Fnar


18-10-08, 23:58
lmao i have had such a laugh on here tonight thats so funny

18-10-08, 23:59
Don't you mean genital's garden??
Kind of a play on words....
You know....

Is this thing on???

18-10-08, 23:59
Depends what they're on.

i love the hairy backs on my white westies lol

does jaco have white hair?

does wayne?

its got to be coarse?

aww no.......... just thought jaco's will be grey

not the same

19-10-08, 00:00
well i can do his moobs if u like but man garden no way lol

19-10-08, 00:00
Where is Jaco by the way??
He needs to be here and enjoy all the attention!!

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
19-10-08, 00:02
Depends what they're on.

i love the hairy backs on my white westies lol

does jaco have white hair?

does wayne?

its got to be coarse?

aww no.......... just thought jaco's will be grey

not the same

White hair? hmmm no, but going grey, but don't bother me, a sign of maturity eh?

Man Garden? PMSL!!

19-10-08, 00:02
this is what i love.

the guy will be in bed....fast asleep

not knowing we're all ribbing him to bits

he'll wake up tomorrow saying ffs whats this

19-10-08, 00:03
wayne my dear,

i love hairy chests, no matter what colour they are mate

19-10-08, 00:03
LMFAO Sandy!

oh this is hilarious! Jaco is gonna have such a big head when he see;s this!


19-10-08, 00:04
he will have lots to say tomorrow im sure, we will all be put firmly in our place. lol

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
19-10-08, 00:05
wayne my dear,

i love hairy chests, no matter what colour they are mate

Well my chest hair aint grey, just slightly going grey on my head at the sides.

OMG I can't believe I am saying this, LOL
Katie will kick me in the goolies when she sees this!

19-10-08, 00:06
Goolies = Genital garden!!!!

19-10-08, 00:07
oo er just imagine if we did a jaco thread

he he! poor jaco lol

19-10-08, 00:07
pmsl wayne telling everyone about your grey bits

19-10-08, 00:08
lmao wayne

she won't have even noticed hun

19-10-08, 00:08
Oh he has a GREAT sense of humor!!!
He'll think this is a hoot!!!

Or he'll tell us all to sod off!


19-10-08, 00:09
lmfao goolies eeyore, i got sore throat laughing tonight

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
19-10-08, 00:12

Sometimes I don't know what words to use incase the dreaded post filter kicks in.

What happens if I try and post....... no wont do it! :D

19-10-08, 00:12
right im going to bed, thanks everyone for making me laugh so much tonight, i luvs u all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

19-10-08, 00:13
lmao wayne xx

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
19-10-08, 00:14
Night donna,
Me off to bed too shortly, and as much as I dont like getting into politics, and hence the title of this thread.

We miss you Cathy, hope your ok, speak soon.

over and out,


19-10-08, 00:16
Nite everyone!
And Jaco when you read this....
They corrupted me I swear!!!
I'm blaming it all on.......
You like Lisa!!!

19-10-08, 02:03

Pooh x

19-10-08, 03:25
i have never been more insulted in a pm before untill i met cathy.. i dont even know the women and she was very rude and paranoid in a pm.. i couldnt believe this senior member would act like that:weep: .. i have never said anything bad to cathy v if she acts like this alott i can see why she is banned... (i dont mean this to offend anyone but she really said some hurtful things to me) its one thing to speak up for what you believe in.. its another to be childish about it..

19-10-08, 06:32
im sorry to hear someone got banned :( even if its just for a small amount of time

19-10-08, 07:54
o right I see how it goes, defuse the situation by all picking on Jaco.

I just got off the phone to my lawyers, they told me to come in this week and see about legal action for slander.

As I was putting the phone down though, I am sure I heard the lawyer say leave the gold suit at home this time ;)

19-10-08, 09:09
LOL Jaco:)

Its a good job you can take a joke matey!:yesyes:


19-10-08, 09:30
Lmao - Sounds like you all had a right laugh last night :D :roflmao:

Jaco - I'm just loving that suit but come on eh,.. I know you love it too, only it's about time you did give it abit of a wash mate, you've been wearing it all week :winks:.

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
19-10-08, 09:41
(Wayne nervously looks back to see what he said about his hairy chest!)


19-10-08, 09:44
lmao morning wayne or should i say kong.

19-10-08, 09:46
(Wayne nervously looks back to see what he said about his hairy chest!)


Lol - did you have a heavy night last night Wayne ? :D

Have you heard anything from the doc's yet regarding your detox ? Must be frustrating for you, as they seem to be taking their time. Any reason why ?

Excuse me if you've already explained in another thread, I haven't been keeping up to date.

Hoping you're well :flowers:

19-10-08, 09:51
u r so right tetley and im glad girlband went too. this thread had me in stitches last night

19-10-08, 09:57
Morning all..........

That pic of Jaco in goldsuit is so funny .....:D

Hope you are all good this morning and Lisa hope you got in 2 therapy hun with all the talk of Jaco and Wayne waxing lolx


Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
19-10-08, 10:20
Lol - did you have a heavy night last night Wayne ? :D

Have you heard anything from the doc's yet regarding your detox ? Must be frusturating for you, as they seem to be taking their time. Any reason why ?

Excuse me if you've already explained in another thread, I haven't been keeping up to date.

Hoping you're well :flowers:

Hi Katie, just pm'd you about that, but basicly just waiting to hear about start date,.

Heavy Night? nah, just in a good mood and had me in stitches too.

Good morning all.

Oh and yes agree about Girlband, they had to go.


19-10-08, 10:35

can my b/f lend your gold suit for our wedding mate, all the fancy dress shops are shut.

19-10-08, 11:09

That Jaco is soooo handsome in that gold suit:winks:


19-10-08, 14:33
Awwww this was a briliant laugh!
Oi Sandy-why am i getting the blame? :ohmy::winks:Oh and Goolies LMFAO.

One question......

Do we have a hair free Jaco today? :shades:


19-10-08, 14:36

lisa i was going to ask the same thing and did anyone take any pics ?


jodie xxx

pink daisy
19-10-08, 14:38

19-10-08, 16:01
Jaco is in the process of packing up and moving to the Isle of Man because he looks like a manx cat today LOL LOL

19-10-08, 16:02
oh and he didnt realise how slippy the gold suit could be to wear on a hairl;ess boody lol

19-10-08, 16:28
oh and he didnt realise how slippy the gold suit could be to wear on a hairl;ess boody lol

I thought I heard him say that he liked the feel of it against his skin, especially once it's been moisturised.

19-10-08, 16:34
ok - I'll shut up now, sorry :blush:

19-10-08, 17:03
Lmao Katie!


pink daisy
19-10-08, 21:43
Im not sure if we really need any photos!! I have to many images in my head right now... And Glad you said that and not me Katie lol