View Full Version : The Brain Zaps

Big Bird
18-10-08, 16:05
Hi all,
After a successful 7-months on Citalopram I am now weaning myself off the tablets.
I am experiencing the 'Brain zaps' almost randomly but particualrly when I am tired after a long day.
I'd be very interested to hear any stories relating to this as I need to build some confidence in facing them. They do not hurt but are in fact, almost surreal. They do not last long; merely seconds and I am hopeful they will dissappear sooner rather than later as i am otherwsie feeling so much better.
look forward to your replies,


18-10-08, 22:09
Hi Roy,

Know exactly what you are experiencing when i came of citalopram I would get these like electrical jolts in my head that would last seconds, I checked this side effect out and it is totally normal and extremely common. I have been off citalopram for about 4 months now and the zaps have stopped but it did take quite a while for them to stop. But it is definatley nothing to worry about, more irriating than anything else, hope you are better soon.

Rebecca x