View Full Version : please help!!

18-10-08, 17:26
Please can someone helpmei dont know what to do..
3 weeks ago i had a very early miscarriage,felt ok but very stressed,anyway on sunday i started bleeding and havinf terrible pain,saw doc and on thurs i got seen at gynaecolgly,anyway they said i have an infection thoruh the miscarriage heres somemeds type thing,
the prob is 1 of the antibi's they give me causes tinnitus,i already have tinnitus and hearing loss so that was such a bad move i only discovered this aftre i took themi didnt reeadthe leflet for once,this made my tinntitus worse.
i called the hosp back n they said carry on with the other (metronidazole) but i've since discovered these are ototxic (toxic to the inner ear) they can cause permanant damage,rang the gynae back n they said don tak them have this instead (azithromycin) which looks even worse tbh..
I've explained to my doc and the hospital about i cant have things which are possibly toxic to my ear and i just get these..
I've been on the phone todocs everyday since thrsday and i just dont know what to do..
I just can not take these drugs even though i amin alot of pain and its gonna affect my fertiltity if i dotn take them,i hate my anxiety right now,but i just cant shrug off the damage these medications can do to my ears.
Please help i just dont know what to do?
I've been treated like a freak during this whole pregnancy/miscarriage/now infection thing.
help please

18-10-08, 19:13
It would be a very rare side effect I should imagine. Metronidazole and azithromycin are quite commonly prescribed medicines as far as I know.

18-10-08, 22:45
Danuella, sorry you're having a bad time right now. You should be able to talk over your worries about the meds you've been prescribed with your doctor, I do hope that they will listen and give you the information they need. From what I can see, any risk to your ears is extremely low with either of these meds. Did the medication that you took before permanently leave you with much worse tinnitus?

All antibs (in fact, all meds) carry risk of side effects but in almost all cases, you would be extremely unlucky to experience any serious side effects, and you would probably be able to stop taking the med before any long-term damage was done.

I don't know if this will help, but I heard a radio programme on very early miscarriage the other day. Here's a link:


Best wishes.