View Full Version : cholecystectomy

18-10-08, 22:07

Just wondered if anyone else has had their gallbladder removed? I've finally got my op date for Nov 13. Not too worried about the op but apparently a high percentage of people can have problems afterwards.

Mandy xx

18-10-08, 22:17
Hi Mandy

I had my op in February of this year and am seriously glad that I did.

I think some of the problems that people get afterwards are associated with their diet, you know you have to avoid the fatty foods otherwise you might find yourself running to the loo rather quickly!

Apart from that..no more agonizing pain which can only be a good thing. :)

19-10-08, 11:39
i had my gall bladder removed last july. . . it was done by key hole and i felt fine afterwards.

22-10-08, 02:29
I had my gallbladder removed over 3 years ago after suffering many years of pain, as i was too lazy to go to the doctors to find out what it was, The surgery is really simple, it's just key hole surgery these days, they used to cut you right open years and years ago. I just stayed in over night, pain wasn't too bad. But it's well worth it. It may not seem like major surgery but it still is, you need to get pleanty of rest in bed afterwards, and no heavy lifting. Good luck

22-10-08, 15:37
Thanks all for your support - it's nice to hear from others who've been through the same thing!

Tetley, I wasn't aware that I had gallstones until I was hospitalised as I was in agony (I did actually go yellow too!!) I was diagnosed with cholecystitis (infection of gallbladder) and had to be put on IV antibiotics for 5 days. I have waited 7 1/2 months for this op!! Like your hubby, I can be in pain regardless of how healthily I have eaten. I also haven't had any alcohol since April:ohmy: so that can't be a factor.

Mandy xx