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View Full Version : Im so embarrassed!

18-10-08, 22:27
Hi i have just read the last thread which was about discovering cancer in a blood teat.
I have had a lump down there(by the way im a girl) on my entrance in if you know what i mean.My hubby says it looks like a blister.I went to the drs bout it and she said it was a cyst and put me on antibiotics and it didnt go.Because i got myself so worked up about it she reffered me to see someone and the consultant said it was a cyst but it had now emptied.It continued to be sore and again i went up to the hospital and saw someone else who said it was part of my genitalia.
What should i do go to drs for a blood test or believe 3 different diagnosises?

sorry guys womens talk!:blush: :whistles:

18-10-08, 22:50
I think if you've had three diagnoses of cyst, and it's now drained away (which a cancerous tumour would not do), I think you can relax and accept that it is a cyst. I had a large sebaceous cyst in my pubic area once, a bit freaky and surpisingly painful, but it went away by itself eventually. I think it's quite common to get cysts in that area. :)

18-10-08, 22:53
I havent had 3 people saying it was a cyst the dr thought it was, another said it had drained wjen it hadnt changed in any way to me and the third said it was part of my anatomy.
Can a cyst just stay there forever? Is that safe?:doh:

18-10-08, 23:09
Ah, good point. Although my guess would be that the first doc saw a cyst, the second couldn't see a cyst but an area where there might have been one, and the third couldn't see anything other than your normal anatomy? Can you still feel it or see it there? Cysts are generally harmless and yes, they can just hang around forever or drain away by themselves. I've got one on my back that I keep hoping will go away but hasn't yet. I've had it for years and my doctor says it's harmless.

18-10-08, 23:25
Does it hurt? Could it be an abzess??

19-10-08, 00:37
it could just be one of these things, as it has been said the cancer does not drain away if it was something bad it would continue to grow and get progressivly worse. Seeing as you have seen 3 different people and no one has even mentioned the C word I would tend not to worry about it.

Keep a close eye on it and if there are changes which you don't like I would say go back to the doctors.

take care,

19-10-08, 02:59
a doctor would be able to tell right away if it was somthing to worry about.. trust me... awhile back when my wife had my son the doctors saw a mole on her that they were really concerned about.(it was a good thing they were) the point is a doctor knows what skin cancer or anything that could turn into cancer would look like... besides cancer there are so many other things that it could be... i am sure cancer isnt one of them. if the doctors were concerned then you would need to worry but they dont think there is anything to be concerned about. so im sure there isnt. i know what how it is to worry.. im positive you dont have cancer.. maybe you should try to leave it alone acouple of weeks and see how it goes.. i know thats hard to do:roflmao: but if i can do it you can do it(and trust me im really bad)

19-10-08, 05:56

19-10-08, 11:55
please try not to worry, I had problem like yours few years back now. Worried myself into right frenzy and convinced myself it was something awful, as usual. But it turned out to be a boil!! antibiotics and I was fine. Honestly doctors would of seen if it were anything to be concerned about, theres so many simple things it can be instead and that are much more likely.
hope your ok take care, pink xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

19-10-08, 12:16
have had antibiotics for it and it never cleared.It sometimes gets a bit sore and it feels bigger as i cant see it.Its like having a spot they always feel bigger than what they are!
I am worried as ive had all different diagnosises and theres got to be one of them wrong so what makes them wrong about its just a cyst!:unsure:

19-10-08, 12:38
Hi there

a very common thing in women is blocked glands in the genital area. These lumps are quite hard. These can occassionally feel painful. Does this sound like it? A cyst however will definately be more pliable to the touch( and be as a general rule damn bloody sore if its big in that area) and can take literally months to go away ( which it will eventually) Depending on the antibiotic it might not work as a form of treatment it works for some and not for others. it can remain red and inflamed for a long time. Try not to worry about it and just keep an eye on it.

Pooh x