View Full Version : Bang in chest and racing heart

19-10-08, 12:19

Had a moment (not even sure it was a first time) that scared living hell out of me. At the moment I'm in total panic and not sure what do to - call ambulance or ignore. Basically had a really bad night, couldn't sleep, lots of ectopics, same old story, even though doctors gave all clear like 3 weeks ago! Managed to fall asleep, but I just woke up, and there's this sudden sharp pain/bang in my chest/heart area, and all of a sudden I'm out of breath, heart is pounding 200 bmp, why does it do it??? Now as I said, I'm a total mess and wondering if this is beginning of heart attack (which is impossible if my doctors were right, and I hope they were!) or some symptom of tiredness, panic attack etc... Plz help someone!!!:(

19-10-08, 12:49
Did the sharp pain bang happen again or are you just have a really anxious response to what happened? Try to think through this logically you are tired you are scared you are very worried these are all body stressors. If the pain keeps recurring I would check it out but a once off I would just try to relax any way you can.

Pooh x

19-10-08, 13:01
One thing that worries me that this wasn't a panic attack, but something physical, because I was barely awake when it happened. This happened before, now that I'm thinking about it, and everytime it was due to lack of sleep. Now I'm worried if this is not panic, is it dangerous?? :/

19-10-08, 14:22
hi if its any consolation i get this in the night everynight, it wakes me without fail ,the funny feelings in chest i been having it for ages now ,so i dont think your going to have a heart attack but if your very worried pop along to your gp tommorow for reassurance you can always pm me if frightened still

take care

20-10-08, 05:00
If your doctor speaks what at your disposal with heart all well, then why you worry? I think you made all necessary medical researches?

20-10-08, 16:15
I know the doctors said it's fine... it's just my brain says it's not fine, and it tries everything to scare the hell out of me. The syptoms are just SO physical I almost refuse to believe it's FINE! Today for example I am feeling terrible again, have this tighness/heaviness in my chest, lots of ectopics and whatnot... oh well... no one promised easy life.