View Full Version : How the hell can i do this??????

19-10-08, 18:08
Hi All:D

As some of you may know I recently started a new job:yesyes:

I just about cope with this

Now my boss tells me Im off to London on 5th November to a training course in monumental masonary:ohmy:

We have to leave at 6.30am:lac:

I have IBS and dont do mornings......strange hotel(think its Catford) just dont know how I will cope???

Advice, tips, etc please:shrug:

Then the next week got to go to Essex to see where its all made:scared15:

Im sooooo scared:scared15:

Kaz x x x:hugs:

19-10-08, 18:17
Yikes! That is one heck of a thing to spring on you!

Is there any chance you could go down the day before and stay the night, which would give you some time to settle into a new place and also avoid the morning...? I have had ibs myself so completely understand how awful mornings can be.

Oh - have you tried aloe vera juice? I found that helped me immensely!

Also - don't forget most hotels have the internet /wireless connections in their rooms. I find it helpful to log on through my laptop and have a friend to chat to through msn / post on this forum.

You know, it all sounds incredibly exciting!!!!

19-10-08, 18:28
Thanks Orange:hugs:

We are going in a limo on the day so night before aint an option:weep:

If I want to keep my job got no choice but to attend:blush:

Kaz x x x:hugs:

19-10-08, 18:34
aww come on kazz hun ,you know you can do this your so strong and determined you can do this.you have done fab with your job
try not to think about it to much
do you have a lap top then you have got nmp to come to at least on a night time if you feel anx

jodie xxxxxxx:hugs: xxxxxxxx

thoughts and actions
19-10-08, 18:37
hi kaz,

i also have ibs and am just a no go for the mornings

I was prescribed hydrocholride loperamide about 6 months ago and i swear its the best thing-

you only take it when u need it and it basically stops u going- u take one tablet after ure first loose movement and then thats u- u get all different strengths and only take them when u need them

Watch ure diet a few days before and be careful u dont eat any bad foods but ensure u eat enough so that its not just liquid in ure system. Speak to your doctor to see if they will prescribe them and also anything that may calm you down

Try and take something with u to distract u like ipod, books, mags etc- if not when u r in limo look at number plates and try and make words up with the letters and numbers (silly i know but takes ure mind of it)

Dont know if this would work and would be a big thing to do but why not for the 5 days leading upto the event practise getting up at 5am etc and eating and get ure body into a routine of being ready to leave at 6.30 so its not a big shock to system.

I honselty take my hat off to you for doing it


22-10-08, 22:26

Do you think if I took one of those anti diorreah tabs the night before and one in the morning it would "dry me up":blush:

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

thoughts and actions
22-10-08, 22:37
if i take one after a loose movement in the morning then i dont go for the rest of the day but go the next day but its not loose at all and usually only need to go once n theres no sudden urgency or pain etc.

But every1s different- why dont u try if before u go see what happens- but only take it if u have diaherrea or a loose movement

If you have ibs c (constipation) then i defo wouldnt take these- its like immodium but about 10 times stronger lol


23-10-08, 22:04

I think I will experiment before the day:yesyes:

Kaz x x x:hugs: