View Full Version : :: Eye's Burning ::

19-10-08, 18:47
Today ive had a new symptom with my anx, both eyes burning so bad i thought they were goin to explode.

When this happened my other symptoms started but i managed to calm down.

The pressure in my eyes is still there, took me off-guard as i havnt had this before, took a few paracetemol now but im still worried.

Eye thing happened at 8:30am, its now 6:45pm.

Any tips? anyone else had this?


19-10-08, 19:44
Did you get enough sleep? I have a hting that if I don't get enough sleep, or very little sleep for some reason, my eyes burn the next day as well as my lips and hands. It's horrible.

You are having pressure in your eyes too? Maybe it's some kinda infection? Try putting some eye drops and just lay in bed with your eyes closed for a while.

19-10-08, 21:04
Ty yanks,

sleep has been all over the place lately, i think its tension and stress. Dont think it is infection as my eyes are not blood-shot, trying massaging my eyelids and closing them for periods of time to help it.

Gonna see if it happens tomorrow, spend less time on PC also.


20-10-08, 14:11
I get the burning eyes along with the tension and tiredness. Both are the cause I feel. So far I have just had to put up with it as a symptom but I think it is a natural symptom of tiredness. It also doesn't help that I am in the house most of the day as fresh air probably would help.

All the best
