View Full Version : cartilage piercing ..

so jems like
19-10-08, 19:28
So i got my middle cartilage pierced about 4 days ago. It doesn't even really hurt really and it's just a little purple around the area and when i wake up, there's a little bit of blood crusted around the hole.

For those who have/had cartilage piercing, this is all normal right ??
Haha, I'm started to regret that I got this piercing. I just don't want it to be purple anymore, and I'm afraid of that "keloid" thing .. I really don't want that. I clean it twice a day with sterile saline solution the ones for rinsing soft lenses and i don't touch it at all.

I heard that you shouldn't take it out soon because there's a risk of infection, so i might as well keep it in for awhile ..

I'm just worried for some reason that it's going to get infected and my ears are going to get swollen and stuff :unsure:

19-10-08, 19:36
Middle cartlidge, tragis?? The bit that is attached to the side of the head or through the ear at the back??

so jems like
19-10-08, 22:49
It's just a regular cartilage on your ear .. but just lightly lower

19-10-08, 23:17
i have had this done 3 times and i haven't lost my ear yet lol so please don't worry about it as it does turn many colors as the healing goes on, but as i always tell everyone if you are worried then please give the doc a visit and they can reassure you as i'm sure all is ok...... but it can be VERY painful also, sorry if i'm no help at all but just thought i would post this

19-10-08, 23:17
I thought you had your knee pierced lol

19-10-08, 23:20

19-10-08, 23:38
No not you

so jems like
20-10-08, 05:25
the bruise is turning like greenish now .. & IS THAT NORMAL ??
haha, it's not like swollen and it's not aching or im not in pain or anything ..
the area around the cartilage piercing is just turning colors

it has only been like 5 days .. i guess this is normal right ??

so jems like
20-10-08, 05:37
Okay, it's me again ..
I guess its not the skin part that's greenish. i feel like my veins in my ears are just more visible and look greenish to me..
so is it normal for your veins to be more visible ?? I just noticed it now ..
This morning the skin of my ear was like purple and now it's not really purple but my veins are just more visible ..

Maybe I'm just worrying myself. I'm sure by tomorrow it'll be gone