View Full Version : computer

19-10-08, 20:08
does anyone else think playing on the computer for 15 hours over the weekend is too long? my bloke is obessed with the computer & plays on his games for hours on end and has done for 15hrs this weekend & I am just sat on my own with nowt to do. I don't mind him playing on the computer, it just gets to me when he chooses it over doing other stuff. I can't decide if I am been unresonable or not. I am sure someone on here will tell me if I am! lol

19-10-08, 20:24
It can be an addiction or sign of OCD, the same as anything else.

If it starts to become a problem & interferes with your relationship (as it apparently is) then maybe you need to sit down with him and establish a few 'ground rules' about computer time.

What happens if you ask him to switch it off and tell him you'd like to do something together? play a board-game or game of cards, or go out for a meal, or something?

19-10-08, 20:32
Yeah I do tell him & he does pack it on head when he knows how much it bothers me but then it starts all over again then. Like tonight, was going to go to cinema but cos he id picked film & he wasn't bothered about seeing the film, he doesn't want to go & now won't get off the computer. Just before tea tho tonight we were playing on wii fit together & having a right laugh & I said oh shall we play on this tonight & he said no, im off on the computer, so I am stuck downstairs with nowt to do bored out of my head.

19-10-08, 20:40
Go out without him.
Do you have a friend, workmate, or sister, or anyone to go to the cinema with?
Leave him at home (tell him he'll have to cook his own dinner too).

19-10-08, 20:42
not really, all my friends have kids so can't just ask them to come with me on the off chance. I was going to go see my mum but can't be bothered now, its getting late. I have told him loads, I just don't know what to do. If I do say,right im off then go somewhere, he knocks it on the head & I feel like im a horrible nagging girlfriend!!!