View Full Version : pregnant and off Effexor cold turkey!

19-10-08, 20:50
Hi everyone.
Just found this brill site and am so relieved.
I discovered last week that I'm pregnant and should be the happiest girl alive!
My Doc said to stop the 150mg effexor immediately and I did, after all who
knows the damage it can cause (manufacturers don't!)!
I'm all over the place now, nauseous, diarrhoea, dizzy, crazy over the top mood swings i.e. crying, laughing, depressed.
I can't talk to my partner or family, they think its just my hormones but it is soo much more.
I'm 33 and have wanted a baby for so long, now I'd rather not be pregnant than have to feel like this.
Can anyone please tell me I'm gonna be ok?

19-10-08, 21:18

:welcome: to nmp

congratulations Hun

all of the things that is going on is normal when your preg most ladys have it so relax all you can and be reassured your going to be just fine.

jodie xxxxx:hugs:

19-10-08, 23:50
NO thats not normal. I was on effexor xr 150 mg daily also when i found out i was pregnant 8 months ago. You should never stop effexor cold turkey. My doc moved me down to 75mg for two weeks then to 37.5mg for a week then 37.5 every other day for 2 weeks and then 37.5 every 3 days until I weened off totally. And it was hard but the worst I felt was flu like symptoms. What you are doing is not normal. Of course the pregnancy can play into this but NEVER stop effexor cold turkey. Please let me know if you would like to talk and I will pray for you. God bless

20-10-08, 09:07
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx

20-10-08, 09:56
NO thats not normal. I was on effexor xr 150 mg daily also when i found out i was pregnant 8 months ago. You should never stop effexor cold turkey. My doc moved me down to 75mg for two weeks then to 37.5mg for a week then 37.5 every other day for 2 weeks and then 37.5 every 3 days until I weened off totally. And it was hard but the worst I felt was flu like symptoms. What you are doing is not normal. Of course the pregnancy can play into this but NEVER stop effexor cold turkey. Please let me know if you would like to talk and I will pray for you. God bless


Congratulations btw. I don't want to worry you, only as you've already stopped Venlafaxine I suppose it maybe best to carry on through, this does depend when you did stop the med though.

Why the hell did your doc tell you to stop this med immediately, to me,.. i'm sorry but that's bloody crap advice to give, (so sorry about my reaction),.. only it does bother me when so called pro's tell patients to do things like this.

I've quoted somebody elses reply because I feel it's important to do this too. No wonder you're feeling so ill right now. God, it's hard enough with the early symptoms of pregnancy let alone, stopping a med like Venlafaxine immediately aswell.

There is however, nothing to worry about as such, and no reason to worry, thinking your baby may have come to harm because your baby is fine, it's just a matter of yourself feeling so ill, and that's not right for anybody to go through.

Please talk to your GP about this. Make an appointment today if you can.

Good luck, wishing you well soon. :flowers:

20-10-08, 09:57
Oh my goodness, you're a brave one coming off of Effexor like that. Try going back on a smaller dose and coming off of it slowly. It took me a couple of months to get off of it completely - I always had severe withdrawal when being even a few hours late for a dose - but my psychiatrist initially thought it would take about a week of decreasing the amount. Perhaps recheck with your doctor now that you know how it will affect you.

Effexor withdrawal is lousy, but it doesn't last forever. Congratulations on your pregnancy :)

20-10-08, 11:30
Hi there and welcome along to NMP

Pooh x

milly jones
21-10-08, 21:23
welcome to nmp hunny
love milly xxx

22-10-08, 21:45
Hey. It's me.
I'm feeling a lot more positive now.
A few days can make all the difference.
My GP honestly doesn't seem to be as well informed as
she should but she did offer to give me Prozac to take some of the edge
off Effexor withdrawal, I declined. I'm a Chemical Analyst for a pharmaceutical company and while I feel so weird coming off the drugs, I
also understand the lack of information on Venlafaxine tertagenic toxicity
is even more worrying. I think I'm making the right decision and it is getting slightly easier, 10 days and counting.
Positive mental attitude!! Here's hoping the lucozade ad can save me!!
Thanks for caring.

22-10-08, 23:13
HEY Diane75!
Look after that baby!!!! There is no greater gift. Whatever you feel is nothing compared to that new life. Have been there twice ( a long time ago!) but not forgotten it - go girl!!:D Will be there for you XXXXXX

23-10-08, 00:22
hiya how r u? tell me what is effexor?