View Full Version : Another newbie

19-10-08, 21:05
Hi all, i finally managed to register, i am not very good on computers!
I have been diagnosed with anxiety and depression, the Dr has given me Fluoxetine. I came across this site and found that there are others like me!
I have spent most of this year dealing with my mums death and developing IBS. I am highly anxious and do not leave the house unless i really have to. I have started the tablets yesterday after trying Citalapram which made me sick...i cant cope with lack of control at both ends! :blush:

19-10-08, 21:15

:welcome: to nmp

jodie xx

19-10-08, 21:22
I'm new too. Think I scared everyone with my crazy rant!
Just wanna let you know that I was diagnosed first time 14 years ago and ignored it cos they told me anxiety didnt cause the frequent diarrhoea I was having. Finally went back to see a different doc got a million intrusive tests, barium enemas etc! and finally was reassured that it was my anxiety doing it!
What a relief. When the drugs kick in your tummy WILL settle down.
Best to avoid too many curries tho!
You really have been thru the mill but things will get better. I was brill for soo long. Think I'm just havin a major wobble.

19-10-08, 21:31
Hi, thanks for your reply, i have never posted on a forum before, and appreciate the support. I,m stuck in a circle of panic in case i have an 'accident' and have had several close calls- to my embarresment! Now i wont go out, my poor partner has been fab, but i think he's sick of the sight of foodshopping!
Wishing you well.

19-10-08, 21:53
Been there too.
My GP was very understanding and immodium was my best friend.
I was on 9 a day at one stage!
It really is a vicious circle but it does get better.
Sorry if I sound condescending, I really do believe you'll get better but
you need to tell your doc the full embarrassing extent of it.
If he thinks you're exaggerating send him to me!!!!!

20-10-08, 09:09
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx

20-10-08, 11:28
Hi there and welcome along to NMP

Pooh x

20-10-08, 11:29
Hi Sammy

Welcome to the site I am sure you will get lots of support and good advice on here.

Take care


milly jones
21-10-08, 21:24
welcome to nmp hunny
love milly xxx