View Full Version : hi new to this

19-10-08, 21:21
just need someone to chat to if anyoneone wants to listen,i have just recently started having panic attacks

19-10-08, 21:36

19-10-08, 21:41
Hi Lillia,
A beautiful name by the way.
The most important thing is the fact that you realise you're havin panic attacks.
Such a big step already!
Go to your doc, find out your options. CBT can be a big help, even if you think its silly or weird!
It still helps me years after I done it, even tho I thought it was crud at the time!

19-10-08, 22:05
thank you for replying to me firstly i will apologise tat iam not very good on computers!! panic attacks awful. my husband died suddenly 6weeks ago so thats why iam getting them, my life is outwith my control. i made the decision to go back to work therefor today has been extremely difficult as tomorrow is my first day back even typing this is difficult. Thank you again for repying and please share your story with me

19-10-08, 22:27
Oh my God, I am so sorry.
I can't even fathom the pain you're in.
You are so brave returning to work so soon.
I really have no idea what you are going thru and wish I could gave you a hug. The only thing I can do is try to explain to you about the downward spiral of anxiety.
If you're feeling anxious about something the worst thing you can do is avoid it. Avoidance feeds anxiety! Its parasitic.
I hope you realise its ok to go to work and be a hopeless sobbing wreck, no-one would think any less of you and if it is too difficult leave early.
You really are so brave. I hope you can do it.

19-10-08, 22:35
Hello lillia iam so sorry to hear about your situation,no wonderyou feel so panicky,you have had such a terribble shock to the system.The only advice i can give would be to take one day at a time!going back to work will feel strange at first, but will give you something else to focus on,will be a positive step in the long run,you will be fine im sure when you get there,its usually the fear of something that causes the anxiety and panic,its never as bad as we imagine.good luck!i will be thinking of you,let us know how you get on.suzy-sue:bighug1:

19-10-08, 22:38
thank you so much again for your reply,i understand what you mean about avoidance feeds anxiety just to hear someone say it makes me think maybe iam not so mad, but somehow i just cant convice myself of this!your kind words mean alot even though we are strangers i totally think you know what you are talking about, thank you. iam very lucky in the fact i have a wonderful family and inlaws who are supporting me along with themselves we are helping each other although w are all affected differently.The scariest thing is nothing is in control at the moment me or my emotions etc................. thank you again even this is helping i think?

20-10-08, 09:08
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx

20-10-08, 11:28
Hi there and welcome along to NMP

Pooh x

milly jones
23-10-08, 20:01
welcome to nmp hunny

love from milly xxxx

23-10-08, 20:17
HI Lillia

Welcome to the site I am so sorry to here your sad news and I hope you find lots of people to chat to on here.

Take care Lillia


23-10-08, 20:54
back at work had quite a few moments of panic! iam on citropalm 40MG also taking bachs rescue remedy.Iam also reading lots of self help books on bearevment. Trying to control my breathing when i get the onsets of a panic attack any other suggestions

23-10-08, 23:11
thanks emma had alloook at the websiteits very nice and special. was he a relation of yours.It is so difficult to admit this is happening in my life.

23-10-08, 23:12
thank you