View Full Version : funny head

06-06-05, 10:43
When lying in bed at night i get what feels like a quick gush of air go straight through my head which constantly leads me to believe that i have a brain tumour. duz any1 else get this feeling??? if u could get back to me you would put a rushing head at ease thanks in advance


06-06-05, 10:46
Hi Steno

I used to get this when my anxiety was acute, I used to call them head rushes for want of a better word. They used to make me panic too, deep breathing and fresh air always worked to make them and the panic go away.

Hope this puts your mind at ease

Take care


06-06-05, 12:18
Hi Steno

I have had this as well. Its just the anxiety playing its tricks. Unfortunately you will "create" the symptoms that you are most scared of, and as you are scared of a brain tumour, you will get these symptoms.

Perhaps you have anxiety about sleeping at the moment because you're not sleeping really well? And that is why it happens when you are in bed?

Just try to acknowledge the sensation, say "mmm, that was funny, but its gone now" and either get up and get some air, or do some deep breathing relaxation exercises

be well

*** I think, therefore I'm anxious ***

06-06-05, 12:47
I've had this in the past as well. It's an unpleasant feeling but is nothing to worry about. Is just anxiety getting the better of you..:D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

06-06-05, 13:26
thanks every1 who replied. uv made me feel a whole lot better:D
