View Full Version : Getting embarrassed easily/anxiety

20-10-08, 00:35
I have been getting anxious at work again and on buses with this anxiety and HOCD/OCD.

I keep getting embarrassed and going red at work for example if I look at anybody of the same sex it causes me severe HOCD worries I fear about that, and I worry if I look people will think I'm no longer into woman when I don't want to look but when the anxiety is around my eyes wander and pin point I find this horrible and it causes me server anxiety.

I have read that when you are in a anxious state you are more aware so I am thinking this could be part of it? I mean I don't have any reason to look but I could be walking around at work and bang, a glare across and I'm red and into extreme anxiety.

I have a new g.f and I am happy with that. I'm worried as I have become obsessed by colours/clothes/music due to HOCD and I can't go near anything that is feminine. I am finding this hard to deal with at the moment and these disgusting thoughts re making me feel uncomfortable in my own skin.

Is this anxiety and why does it have this much control over me? When i get thoughts like this or manic depression they stay glued in my head and I worry for months and months. This particular worry has worried me about over a year and a half..I guess I can say I don't act on these horrible thoughts but why do I keep getting them?

I even went red If I made a mistake at work and it makes me make more mistakes. I know everybody gets embarrassed but I feel this is a anxiety button when i block it out for 1 minute or something..it goes. The other night I feet depressed by work and got really stressed and worried and felt like not going out the anxiety made me think I was going manic depressed.

Can anybody give me any advice is it normal for anxiety to take control like this? :huh:

20-10-08, 14:09
Sorry to hear that you are doing so bad at the moment. You need to remember that the thoughts you are having are just those and are caused by OCD. Have you ever noticed that the more you fight them the more they stay in your head? It is a cycle that can be broken but only if you face them. Running away from your thoughts or trying to push them away only makes them come back full force and scare you even more. If you take the time to confront them they will go away, that doesnt mean that another one wont come to take its place but once you learn how to face them they become easier to disappear. Try and find out what scares you about the thoughts that you are having and face that dear head on. If you feel that you dont know why they are scaring you look deeper there is always a reason for your fear. Even if it is a small thing it is there in your head somewhere. Fear and control are what drives OCD and once you can face them it will make the thoughts go. I hope this helps. Stay strong you can do this.

21-10-08, 02:25
Good for you on getting a new G.F. . . . as I remember reading posts where you thought that it would never happen to you ever again. So three cheers for you on that.

On the other note, I'm someone that turns red very fast, and people -- in fun -- have always found it rather amusing.

With me, however, I just smile or laugh along with them.

I know that I'm me . . . and they're not me . . . so the jokes on them (in my mind, anyway!).