View Full Version : my rambling introduction...

20-10-08, 07:02
hello there,

i am twenty-one years old, and a college student (in my last year...yey!). i actually found this website while googling a symptom (haha) that i had just gotten--very weird feeling in my legs, worse then a tingling, sort of a tightening--and one of the links on google led me here.

i'm so glad i started reading the message board. between reading through posts for 45 minutes or so to distract me and then talking to my boyfriend, i was able to get throught my panic attack and the symptom is now gone.

it was so weird! i'd never had that feeling before. i was convinced i had restless leg syndrome or a blot clot or something...it was a unique attack for me as most of mine involve more then one "symptom".

also, i have been having panic attacks for about three and a half years. the first attack i had my friend graciously took me to the hospital where i had to wait an agonizingly long time (in my mind) to see someone and be told, no, there was "nothing wrong" with me and i wasn't dying...hmph. well, maybe i wasn't dying, but there is something wrong with me...the event that triggered my first attack was so silly. i had a belly button ring at the time and it had became irritated and my body was rejecting it. somehow i became convinced that i was going to get violently sick because my bellybutton was infected (it wasn't, just irritated--i did end up retiring it after that night though) and it triggered that first attack. *sigh*

the only other attack where i went to the dr. they just gave me a pill and told me i'd be okay. even though it had happened before. i feel bad returning because i know i have the mental power to get through the attacks and i don't want to waste my parent's money on dr's visits, but sometimes i wish they would just give me meds i could take when an attack started.

i was depressed a lot my second year in college, but i can say things have gotten better on that front, especially in the past year. only now, as i mentioned above, my attacks are sneakier...the symtoms won't be "full-blown" (i.e. thinking you are having a heart attack, etc), but the incidents definitely happen (i get panic attacks where i am quite nausious fairly often). like tonight with my legs. it hurt so, so bad and i could barely sit or walk without thinking my circulation was just going to be cut off. even typing it now is beginning to awake those feelings, so i think i will stop before i start thinking that way again...i want to go to bed sometime. i have class in the morning, haha!

thanks for reading my whopper of a biography! sorry if it was too much info for my first post...i look forward to utilizing this message board and getting to know some of you, hopefully :)

20-10-08, 08:07
Here everything have its "long" histories.))))) So what let's together to understand and to help to each other! :)

Veronica H
20-10-08, 08:44
hi :welcome: Welcome to NMP. Many of the symptoms you describe sound like typical anxiety/panic symptoms. There is a brilliant book by Dr Claire Weekes called 'Self help for your nerves' published by Thorsons ISBN 978-0-7225-3155-6. I cannot recommend this enough as it really explains what is happening to us, and how we can recover. Her recordings can be downloaded free to your MP3 from the NMP Shop too. Glad that you have found us. You will find comfort and support here.

20-10-08, 09:02
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx

20-10-08, 11:33
Hi there and welcome along to NMP

Pooh x

20-10-08, 20:30
thank you for all your kind words and advice...i am going to go look up that book right now!

20-10-08, 20:55
Hi and welcome, you will get lots of useful advice here.:yesyes:
a post is never too long.xx

milly jones
21-10-08, 21:15
welcome to nmp hunny
love milly xxx