View Full Version : Have I found my people?!

20-10-08, 10:03
While Googling for anxiety-related twitches (always curious to know if anyone else has the same symptoms I do!) I came upon an archived thread from one of the forums. Finally, an anxiety forum with a place devoted to hypochondria! I'm so exhausted from dealing with it. I've been the way I am pretty much my whole life - I thought I had breast cancer before I actually developed breasts :rolleyes: It's something I've always been embarrassed by - a lot of people seem to see it as a big joke. And I try to joke about it too, but sometimes I just want to scream at people.

Anyway, just introducing myself before I start posting elsewhere. I'm 25 and live in New York. Still live with my parents because of my mental issues. I qualify for disability but am currently not able to collect (long story). I'm pretty severely depressed, but I'm not sure which came first, that or the anxiety. I guess it's something like the chicken and the egg. Nice to meet you all!

Edit: I guess I should add that I was doing pretty well (all things considered) until about a year ago when my cat died. Not sure how the two things go together, but go together they seem to do.

20-10-08, 11:18
Hi Mckay

Welcome to the site I am sure you will get some good advice and support on here.

Take care


20-10-08, 11:26
Hi there and welcome along to NMP

Pooh x

21-10-08, 10:21
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx

milly jones
21-10-08, 21:06
welcome to nmp hunny
love milly xxx

21-10-08, 21:16
hi and welcome to nmp. you will get alot of support here
x x x