View Full Version : Really really scared

20-10-08, 11:40
:weep: I'm really really panicking. Long story, but been having nosebleeds for 10 months, doc sent me to ENT and I had it cauterized. Still had occasional bleed and since then had constant non stop ringing in ear. Been reading about it and these are symptoms of nasal cancer. been back to docs this morning and he's sending me back to ENT at hospital, but he said he was relieved ENT consultant hadn't found anything and asked if he had a proper look up my nose? I said no not really, he never put a camera up, and my GP just gave me strange look - like he thought he would have, and is sending me back. Am so so scared now because can tell he's thinking it could be something serious. feel sick and scared and have got to go to work in 20 minutes, just feel like crying.nose bleeds and ears ringing are definatley sign of nasal cancer, why won't it go off? I know thats whats wrong with me and could tell GP thinks so too?
Please has anyone had similar symptoms? Have you been ok? Don't know what to do???? what if its something awful????

20-10-08, 11:51
Hi Pink, what did the ENT say the first time round? Did he give you a diagnosis?

20-10-08, 13:18
hi, just that thre seemed to be some enlarged veins or something just inside my nose, but GP had already said he thought the problem was higher up, asked ENT and he didn't make anything of it. trying to trust what he said, but GP and my own googling has scared me to death, can't cope!!!

20-10-08, 14:14
hi, just that thre seemed to be some enlarged veins or something just inside my nose, but GP had already said he thought the problem was higher up, asked ENT and he didn't make anything of it. trying to trust what he said, but GP and my own googling has scared me to death, can't cope!!!

"and my GP just gave me strange look"

Because you are anxious you may have imagined the strange look. My ex use to suffer from terrible nose bleeds as did my children and then one day they stopped without any intervention.

Don't worry I am sure that if the consultant thought there was anything iffy he would have had a closer look.:)

20-10-08, 14:17
Hi Pink

Sorry to hear about your nosebleed troubles. Is there any pain, or just the bleeding and ear ringing. xxx

20-10-08, 14:25
Hi, no theres no pain as such but have suffered with bad headaches on and off, had really awful one week before ringing in ears started. Am convincing myself the more I think about it, don't feel like doing anything, just so worried. Got appointment at ENT for 2 weeks. keep thinking they'll do a scan and see a tumour, it all makes sense. know am getting myself in a right state, but can't stop it

20-10-08, 14:44
Hi Pink

I have different syptoms to you, facial pain, nose pain, excess mucus and ear pain, popping, but I too have thought brain Tumours, Nose Tumours etc. My pain has gone on since Dec last year.

The ENT told me that the sinus/nasal tumours are VERY VERY rare in people of our age - early 30's, and even less rare if you don't smoke, and have never used snuff. Also, nasal cancer usually means one side of your nose is completely congested and nothing lessons it, and there is pain.

You have to hold on to that thought, that sinus/nasal cancer is very rare - and unlikely - keep repeating it to yourself over and over. I know how hard it is to have to wait for an appointment.

I had a brain and sinus scan, but paid for it as couldn't bear the wait.

I didn't find the ENT consultant I saw very helpful. I guess they know all the warning signs so they know what to look out for and would have seen something if there was something to see (something else I try and keep repeating to myself). They did put a camera up my nose, it was a flexible thingy, it didn't hurt - just made my eyes water. I am sure your consultant would have done this if he thought it was necessary.

I worry continually it's something bad, and everyone tells me if it was, I'd have had more symptoms by now.

Have you had a bloodtest, nosebleeds could just be from anaemia, lack of iron? xxx

Are you going to see the same ENT or a different one?

20-10-08, 15:05
hi thankyou so so much,just talking to someone who understands means so much. feel like honestly going mad here. haven't had blood test for this, but have had quite a few this year for seperate fertility problems been having, found out I'm not able to have my own baby. keep thinking something would have shown up in them as was only few months ago, if were anything to worry about
thankyou , pink xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

20-10-08, 15:08
It would have shown up in those blood tests you had, one would have counted the white cells and alerted the doc to do something. Sorry to hear about your fertility prob. I hope to start a family next year.....something tells me it won't be plain sailing for me either! (That could just be my paranoia!)

Whn you go to the ENT, I would just ask for a scan to put your mind at rest.

Hope you feel better v soon xxx