View Full Version : Anxiety beast is making me worry...

20-10-08, 14:46
Hi everyone,

I admit I'm struggling quite a lot at the moment with the horrible HA. It's been triggered by finding out that my thyroid medication (I take thyroxine for hypothyroidism) is out of whack, the effect of which is profound and unrelenting tiredness. I wake up feeling like I've not slept, I'm always sleepy and I can't enjoy nights out because I get worn out by 10pm.

However the GP upped my dose and I really thought I'd feel better...but no. Now I'm fretting about adrenal failure, liver failure, any autoimmune disease (having one makes you more likely to develop another)...you name it. Also I've been having headaches, which are just in one place and get worse when I shake my head or cycle over a bump. Yep, so here comes the brain tumour and/or aneurysm worry again :weep:

I am trying to keep a handle on it, but the headaches are always there (I don't usually get them) and I am starting to convince myself that it's a tumour. Also I take the Pill so there's always the blood clot worry.

*sigh* I would appreciate any advice or kind words...just wish I could escape this mental torture :unsure:

Thanks everyone!

Anna. x

20-10-08, 17:55
Hello Blackstar,

Health anxiety does such horrible things to us, and being a sufferer myself I know how hard it can be to find the comfort we seek when feeling really anxious. From what you have said, I would think it is more than likely your thyroid problem has increased your anxiety, especially if the level of medication hasn't yet been sorted correctly and you have been suffering so much with tiredness; sometimes it is a question of trial and error before the right level of adjustment is met.

I can imagine how you must be feeling about the headaches, which is just adding to your anxiety. I don't usually suffer from headaches, but when under pressure have experienced the same as you - I am positive it is all part of the tension.

I expect you will be seeing your doctor again soon regarding your medication, it would be worthwhile having a chat to him about your other conerns - just to put your mind at rest. Please try not to worry, because I am certain your symptoms are all down to tiredness and anxiety. Rosie x x