View Full Version : Do I maybe have a brain tumour?

20-10-08, 19:57
I've been wondering this for a long time. The first time my panic/anxiety/depression became full blown, around 4 years ago, I wandered if it was a brain tumour. I went to my doctor and he diagnosed my anxiety/depression.

Since then it's always been in the back of my mind that he might have got it wrong.

Skip forward to today, this morning I woke up with a very faint headache and a slightly sick feeling in my stomach. I don't get headaches very often, as I believe most tumour sufferers do, but I had one all the same. I put it down to the bad weather at the time.

Anyway, I had a good day today, have actually felt like my old self for a change, which was really good.

Then, coming home on the bus, I was just listening to my headphones, when all of a sudden it felt like something had just switched in my head, it made my right eye feel a little funny, but caused a full blown panic attack to occur. I got home about 5 minutes later, still shaking from the attack, hardly able to talk to anyone, only able to eat half a meal before putting it to one side and coming upstairs to look for brain tumour information.

The thing is, I don't get headaches, or fits, or have ever become unconscious. But I do get a very uneasy sensation in my head and around my eyes, and slightly blurred vision at times, with lights. I put this down to my anxiety and depression, but what if it has been a brain tumour all along? By now it would be pretty fargone. Surely my chances of survival would be pretty slim.

I am really freaking out! Does anyone know if it's possible to have a brain tumour without headaches or fits/fainting? I'm tempted to go to my doctor and have him check me out specifically for this... but does anyone know anything about brain tumours they could tell me?

20-10-08, 20:27
Don't worry - anxiety and headaches are like fish and chips - they just go hand in hand and when it affects one eye and makes you feel dizzy / sicky - well that is game set and match!
If the quack had got it wrong 4 years ago - you would have been suffering symptoms well before now - so - forget it - it is an anxiety issue linked to health worries and join the club!!
Hope you feel well soon

20-10-08, 20:58
Do you wear glasses? Could be something as simple as needing glasses or a new perscription.

20-10-08, 21:05
Thanks, sorry, that was a pretty terrible attack.

Nope I don't wear glasses, I was prescribed some a few years back, but went again and they said my vision was better. I'm going to make another appointment soon though as it's been nearly 2 years now.

The anxiety is decreasing now anyway, if I get any more symptoms I'll visit my doctor and ask specifically about it, but I think it was just the anxiety getting the better of me. Which is a shame because I have felt near human again today.

Here's to tomorrow anyway! Thanks.

19-11-08, 17:06
I don't think you have a brain tumour I think it is anxiety. It is possible to have a tumour but not have any symptoms until it has got to a certain size but that isn't the case here I am pretty sure.

Even if you have a MRI would you believe the result?