View Full Version : Low / Nil Sex Drive

20-10-08, 23:26

This is a pretty embarrasing thread. Does anyone who has anxiety and who is on meds have a Low or a nil sex drive?

I am lucky if my partner and I have sex once a month and this is low considering we used to every other night of the week!!!!

I do not want him to look else where but hey would blame him to be honest!

Does anyone else experience this?


20-10-08, 23:28
hiya yes i think the meds do play a huge part in decreased sex drive when i was on meds years back i had no sex drive, but once i came off the meds it came back and i been fine ever since.

20-10-08, 23:30
it is quite common for anti-Depressants to have that side-effect.

21-10-08, 11:43

Im exactly the same. Think its combination of the depression, being really tired all the time and the meds that have taken mine down to zero. I have said same to my other half - that I wouldnt blame him for going elsewhere but he is being really good to me and says he understands its the pills etc and he will wait. I feel a total cow for being like this tho.

Am sure it'll get better as I get better and get off the damn pills!


Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
21-10-08, 12:03
Been looking at the screen for a while and thinking "shall I or should I not post" LOL

I think it is more depression than the meds, after my detox for alcohol problems I was so depressed and sex drive non existent.

Also I used to take citalapram and don't know if any other males here suffered but it affected ejaculation big time, errections no problem.
That was the only side affect that stayed, I stopped taking them and to embrassed to see GP about it!

When I talked to my new GP recently about it she said it was the propranolol that caused that, but I know it wasn't.

Waiting for my next detox and sex drive not a problem at the moment, like a rampant rabbit, but I know afterwards will change, but saying that, I have new anti depressants to start when off the drink , so may be ok.

Did I really say all that? then again, we are adults and sure I didnt shock anyone!


21-10-08, 12:56
Hi Trixi.I feel exactly the same and have done for quite a while.You are not alone sweety.:hugs:

21-10-08, 17:05
I think your partner was spoilt! I'm not sure which is worse - no sex drive or having one and not being able to use it but then I guess it takes more than just that for a partnership to last a lifetime, and a man doesn't always Just need the ultimate act to keep the ravenous beast at bay.:hugs:

21-10-08, 21:45
If it makes you feel any better, my sex drive is that bad, i think mines about twice in the last 6 months. I'm just so damn tired all the time and can't even be bothered. Hubby down as well as he's outta work so we're both affected really.


21-10-08, 21:54
Don't get my bloke started on this matter, please! Thats all i can say!! I can't even be bothered to talk about sex, nevermind participate in this chore!!!:lac:

21-10-08, 22:16

Some of your answers made me smile :)

Others thank you for being so honest, now I know I am not alone


21-10-08, 22:26
Hiya, and can I say Nickieb.. whats your secret??!!

when i was on seroxat i had the urge but could not get any result if you know what i mean - on citalopram i didnt really have the urge but could get result and now on cipralex im feeling the urge more and i have to say can get a result so... RESULT!! LOL
Got to love these meds lol

21-10-08, 22:41
These are supposed to be good for a ladies sex drive :).


"Three clinical psychiatrists had a paper in the Canadian Journal of Psychiatry entitled "Unusual Side Effects of Clomipramine Associated with Yawning," describing 4 patients who, while taking the the anti-depressant drug Clomipramine (brand name Anafranil) reported the unusual side effect of spontaneous orgasm every time they yawned.

The first case of this was a female patient who had been depressed for 3 months, but under treatment "Complete symptom remission occurred within 10 days". She then asked how long she would be allowed to go on using the drug, since she had observed that every time she yawned she had an orgasm, and she was able to experience orgasm by deliberate yawning.

Apparently it can work for guys too. One male patient said that while he found the repeated climaxes "awkward and embarrassing", he elected to continue the medication because of the therapeutic benefit he obtained. The awkwardness and embarrassment were overcome by continuously wearing a condom."

Around five per cent of clomipramine users report the side effect, though for most people the drug inhibits the ability to reach orgasm. The New Scientist says that the drug's users have been comparing notes on the Internet and speculating on its unusual consequences: people who experience it would presumably seek out the most boring person they could find at parties.

22-10-08, 22:01
I had the exact same problem when I was suffering from depression badly, firstly I blamed the citalopram (mainly because I read it on the side effects...we all know what that's like!lol) ...but I'm pretty sure it was due to the depression really. It caused huge problems with my partner, at first he was understanding but it then lead to a complete breakdown in our relationship. He was very confused by it and felt rejected, it really knocked his self esteem for six...he'd got it into his head that I wouldn't have sex with him because I was repulsed by him. I tried to force myself into wanting to but it didn't get me anywhere.Thankfully, once the depression had lifted and I started being 'me' again, my sex drive got back on track! Try to keep your chin up and work together...communication is extra important in times like these! Good luck hun :) xxx

22-10-08, 22:54
i think it's the citalopram too, but my doc says it's more likely to be the depression sapping my sex drive. I dunno, it's all a bit confusing for me. Just come off the cit so we'll see if i get back to being myself soon.

25-10-08, 07:42
Trixi hun,i,m soo glad you put this thread up.I havent had any sex drive 4 AGES,we,re lucky if we,ve had it 2x in the last year,it is the meds i hope.luckily my hubby is good about it.:hugs: hugsxoxo michelle

26-10-08, 13:18
I can really relate to this thread---me and my husband were both on Seroxat for years,and it played havoc with our sex-life.As someone said earlier on,you still feel like it,but you can't....ahem...GET anywhere!Now I'm on Citalopram,and I have a rare side effect--it actually makes sex better! Unbelievable,after decades on this anti-depressant or that,all of which messed with my sex life.Maybe I was due some good luck.
In the spells where either or both of us had zilch interest in anything physical,well,we took full advantage of the rare occasions when we felt even a bit like it.You can still be really close without actually doing the deed,and if one of you has the urge,but the other's medication is making them feel totally NOT like it....well,you do what you can.Don't need to draw you a diagram!
Wishing good health(and a good sex life) to all.

28-10-08, 11:34
Totally understand hun, you're not alone :hugs: I have seen my drive decrease in the past few months. I am not on any medication, it's just I get a lot of bad days and my anxiety tires me out I just struggle to get into the mood. It is getting better though and it will do for you. I have a very understanding boyfriend and we're just talking a step at a time xx