View Full Version : mouth cancer fear

21-10-08, 02:15
hey, just wondered if anyone knows if spots and bumps in the mouth are a symptom of mouth cancer coz i have a spot on the inside of my lip and a bump in my mouth which is on the gum below my tongue. what do you all think? i'm 21 and i don't smoke.
please reply
luv louise

21-10-08, 02:23
your 21 and u dont smoke... it is def not mouth cancer... remember what i said about your saliva glans and stress?? people with anxiety and stress always get weird things in there mouth and always will.. i have many little bumps and spots and my dentist didnt think anything of it.. as anyone here will tell you your mouth is very sensitive and you can develop weird things in it.. thats just how it is.. if it was mouth cancer wouldnt be little bumps .. mouth cancer normaly looks like a good size Cut in your mouth..and i doubt u have that.. if you did you would know.

21-10-08, 09:40
Hello Louise, i am 20 ( 21 in 2 months :D ) and through all of September i convinced myself that i had mouth cancer because of a white lump on my lip and another one further down. Ok so i googled and within a day i was a big crying mess because it was definitly mouth cancer ! I went to the docs 3 times about and in fact its not cancer but just a lump or as he said its just my lip. Everyone is different, although i do not recommend googling because its made me so much worse everytime i did learn a little about mouth cancer and the main thing was that 85% of all cases of mouth cancer start with an ulcer that wont heal so a sore in the mouth. Out of all the mouth cancer patients 93 % of people are over 50 and most of them are men. I know that stats are scary and i bet you will think just like me what about the other 7% but its so so rare to get it below 40 that i wouldnt even think about. The doc also said to me that lumps on the lip can be caused by biting the glands underneath the lip ( you know if you run your tongue across your lip it feels bumpy)

I would go to the docs just so he can say its nothing but if your like me you need to hear it from a profesional


21-10-08, 13:51
hey, today the spot and bump i mention are a little better so thats reassuring but today i woke up with this raised bit of skin on the inside of my cheek and i'm really freaking out that might be mouth cancer? it just seems to be one thing after another?
please reply
luv louise

21-10-08, 13:55
it seems to be one thing after another because you wont stop looking in your mouth!!!!! you are to young for mouth cancer... mouth cancer cant jump from your tongue to your cheek... like i said earlier u should really stop looking in your mouth:wacko:

21-10-08, 13:57
You need to stop looking. I had the same fears as you all for years, i found one thing after another. Ended up trapping a nerve or something in my face with all the looking and prodding i was doing. I ended up with pain in my jaw/tongue/gums etc and then worried about that.
If you go to the dentist reguarly, then don't worry as they look out for that sort of thing,

anx xx