View Full Version : Please help! Headaches

21-10-08, 08:55
For the past 3 weeks I've been suffering from what my doctor told me first was a virus and then became a sinus problem and tension headaches. However, for about a week now my headaches have been much worse.

- The left side of my neck feels tight and swollen, aches.

- I have pressing, shocking, and stabbing pains in the upper-left side of my head (the area near the top of my head), feels almost like I'm being seriously hooked in the head, or shocked. Also have a tender scalp in that upper-left side of head pain, that if I touch it, it can cause a shooting pain throughout my whole head and left side of neck.

- Pressure and aching above, below, and around ears. Ears make rushing noises when I have an attack of pain, then are warm and feel like they are popping.

- Scalp is tingly, feels like hair is constantly on end. Is also itchy, bumpy, and hair seems to be falling out more than usual.

- Back of head hurts when laying down on my pillow. This is generally worse at night, so debilitating that I can't put my head down without it hurting. This feels like being clawed in the head, as well as very sore.

- Temporal pain, radiating ache

- Jaw aches (but may be due to TMJ)

The past 2 nights I've especially been unable to sleep because of the pain. It's really taking a toll on me- I'm exhausted and my poor fiance can't sleep well either because of me.

I'm so scared that I have a tumour or an aneurysm. I just want this to be fixed - I'm hurting so bad. It's really taking over my life lately. I'm sick of going to the doc every week/ every other week because of this. Any advice on what could be wrong? I'm so scared.

21-10-08, 09:12
Hi there - if you've had three different diagnoses, have you been to the doctor about this three times? If the doctor had suspected aneurysm or tumour, they would have referred you for further tests. What examination have you had? Any treatment? Perhaps a second opinion from a different doctor would help reassure you. Did your doctor mention migraine?

21-10-08, 09:22
Hi Swiffer, I have no medical experience, only personal experience of pain like yours, I thought I had neuralgia, but now know through reading posts on this site that it is probably a lot of tension pain. I too couldn't sleep at night because my head was so sore on the pillow and it lasted for about 3 weeks before I gradually felt it disappearing. It's not nice and wears you down.
I know we get fed up with going to the doctors, but I would if you don't start to improve within the next week, just to put your mind at rest.

Sorry, I haven't been a lot of help, but hope that knowing someone else has had the same help.

21-10-08, 09:34
Hi LeeBee, thanks for reading!

I've only been to the doctor 2 times since this started. The first time he said it was a virus but after 2 weeks it began to feel much worse so I went back to the doc and he told me I had a sinus problem but that tension headaches were making me feel extra worse. The doc just did the normal routine examinations at his office (palpitating sinus, checking ears and throat, etc., and told me to go home and rest, take flixonase, steam, and paracetamol.

I've had migraines and tension headaches in the past - last year they were extremely bad and I went to a to physio because they seemed to be due to jaw problems. Only problem is, I don't remember how those headaches felt, or else I don't think I'd be worrying like this.

I do trust my doctor (he's usually right), but I'm having a hard time shaking this.

Hi there - if you've had three different diagnoses, have you been to the doctor about this three times? If the doctor had suspected aneurysm or tumour, they would have referred you for further tests. What examination have you had? Any treatment? Perhaps a second opinion from a different doctor would help reassure you. Did your doctor mention migraine?

21-10-08, 09:37
Hi Ddcoo,

Thanks for replying to my post. It is reassuring to know that someone else has felt the way I do and that it turned out to be nothing. It's just so painful, and you're right, it does wear you down.

I am supposed to get a call back from the doctor today just to see what he suggests.

Hi Swiffer, I have no medical experience, only personal experience of pain like yours, I thought I had neuralgia, but now know through reading posts on this site that it is probably a lot of tension pain. I too couldn't sleep at night because my head was so sore on the pillow and it lasted for about 3 weeks before I gradually felt it disappearing. It's not nice and wears you down.
I know we get fed up with going to the doctors, but I would if you don't start to improve within the next week, just to put your mind at rest.

Sorry, I haven't been a lot of help, but hope that knowing someone else has had the same help.

21-10-08, 10:06
Hi again swiffer - glad to hear you have contacted the doctor, let us know what he says, but I am pretty sure that you have a good mixture of virus, infection and anxiety - oh how we suffer!

21-10-08, 10:13
Hey swiffer - the headaches that you had before went away, perhaps these will go away too, given time. Viruses can be annoyingly persistent, as I know from experience (3 months of virus this year!). I agree with Ddcoo, that it is good that you are speaking to the doctor again today, and that at least some of your symptoms may be caused by anxiety/tension? In which case doing things that relax your muscles and ease your tension might help. Have you ever tried alternative therapies, such as acupuncture?

21-10-08, 12:12
Doc has given me Aleve Intense for now. I'll have an appointment with him tomorrow (he wants to do a neurological exam) because he wants to get to the root of this problem. Anyway, I will let you all know - now hopefully it will not be something terrible. :unsure:

Thanks for your support - it's really doing wonders. :)

Hi again swiffer - glad to hear you have contacted the doctor, let us know what he says, but I am pretty sure that you have a good mixture of virus, infection and anxiety - oh how we suffer!

21-10-08, 12:18
Viruses are definitely no fun. I think I'm just getting so sick of it because I really need to be in the best of mind. My fiance and I are about to buy a house and meanwhile I am supposed to be getting a job asap...it's just so hard to do when you feel rotten.

Will be going to the doc tomorrow, so here's hoping things will turn out okay and that it is something easily treatable.

I've thought about trying alternative therapies, but I haven't really researched it too much. I guess I never bothered yet because I haven't always been so sick. I was doing pretty well for almost a year and then when I had a miscarriage in August, it just about made me hit the downward spiral all over again. Anyway, maybe my doctor can suggest something like acupuncture, given that everything is okay tomorrow with his neuro exam.

I really appreciate all of the support. :) I think I can take a nap today

Hey swiffer - the headaches that you had before went away, perhaps these will go away too, given time. Viruses can be annoyingly persistent, as I know from experience (3 months of virus this year!). I agree with Ddcoo, that it is good that you are speaking to the doctor again today, and that at least some of your symptoms may be caused by anxiety/tension? In which case doing things that relax your muscles and ease your tension might help. Have you ever tried alternative therapies, such as acupuncture?

21-10-08, 19:03
Best of luck at the Doctors tomorrow, will be thinking about you. Let us know how you get on.

22-10-08, 17:56
Hi Ddcoo and LeeBee!

Just wanted to let you know that my doctor's appointment went all right today. It turns out that I'm having a nerve problem because of my Bruxism, which has gotten worse recently because of stress and my virus and sinusitis. He's prescribed me Amitriptyline for the pains and I am too see my physio again. I am also getting a mouthguard for my clenching on Friday. I am so incredibly glad to have gone to the doctor - he's really put my mind to rest...unless it's just the meds kicking in,lol.

Anyway, just thought I'd let you know!

Thank you so much for your support yesterday. I'm so glad I find this place - you guys rock! :flowers: