View Full Version : Need Advice Please

21-10-08, 12:19
I am writing about a friend of mine who lives in Dublin. She has suffered panic attacks and agoraphobia for years. Thankfully in the past 6 months she has started to get help including medication and a support worker.

She has been improving and things have been getting better for her but now her doctor wants her to attend the clinic or they will stop her medication! Is this normal? They are telling her she has to make the journey to the clinic miles away tomorrow and she is very worked up about it.

I live in Scotland and this has never been asked of me. If anything i think this is terrible and could totally set back any of the progress she had been making. They are forcing her into a situation that will terrify her and may leave her even more frightened to go out... but what choice will she have as they are threatening to stop her meds.

Does she HAVE to do this? Is there someone we can contact for help? Surley the medication was to help her get better, its been working really well for her and she has been doing things that she hadnt done in years, but this journey to the clinic just seems way too much too soon!

21-10-08, 17:25
Hy Lynnie,

Just wanted to say a thank you again for the link for the Paul Mckenna agorahobia session on your other thread - cheers!

Now as regards your friend, obviously we can't be privvy to what goes on between doctor and patient but on the face of things from what you've told us this seems most unreasonable, I would have thought she could approach whatever regulatory body is in charge of medical servicesin in Ireland to complain about this.

If it were here in the UK I would be seeing where I could address my complaint to the right department within the NHS. There are proper channels to follow when doing this sort of stuff and I wonder if she might benefit from getting in touch with the citizens advice bureau to to guide her.

Piglet :flowers:

21-10-08, 20:28
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx

milly jones
21-10-08, 20:47
welcome to nmp hunny
love milly xxx